Dear Peter:
Yesterday we held a special meeting of the WOU faculty senate and approved a resolution regarding PEBB that is almost identical to the UO and OSU PEBB resolution. THe WOU resolution also stipulates that we request a withdrawal from PEBB. It was a unanimous vote in support of this action. My main question to you is how best to make sure the appropriate people at the chancellors office and the governor are apprised of our resolution. Do you suggest e-mial, phone, and/or snail mail? Do you have the addressees/phone numbers so that I can inform them of our resolution. Really appreciate your help!
Our union team meet with Joe Sicot (sp?) from the chancellors office in a bargaining session and it appears by many indicators that there is a large sum of money being held back in that office for, well who quite knows what for!?! Anyway there is talk here of making contact with other universities to organize a large multiuniversity picket of the board meeting that will be held in Eugene in February. The Chancellors office has indicated, within the last couple of years, that their goal is to get all university profs to the average of their peer institutes. However, as one of our union members indicated, with present proposals of 2+2 etc. it would take over 35 years to achieve the average of our peer institutes assuming merely a COLA across that time for those peer institutes. A proposed slogan for all of the Oregon higher ed profs:
Joel Alexander, Ph.D. Associate Professor
Director WOU Neurocognitive Laboratory
Office: 503-838-8355 Lab: 503-838-8055 Fax: 503-838-8618