Dear Peter:
Thanks again for all your help in bringing forward the SCC's motion to change the Student Conduct Code. You have been invaluable as advisor and facilitator. However, I am writing today to withdraw the motion -- as acting chair of the Student Conduct Committee I have the authority to make that decision in light of public response to the motion. I would, nonetheless, still welcome the chance to address the Senate in December; I'm hoping that will still be possible in some fashion (see below).
Let me explain what leads to today's decision. This afternoon, Chris Loschiavo, Melinda Grier, David Frank and I met to discuss the proposed changes to the Student Conduct Code. David had suggested the meeting; he wanted to share his concerns about the question of jurisdiction and get a clearer sense of the purpose and possible consequences of the changes. I welcomed the meeting both because I very much value David's perspective and the chance to broaden dialogue about the Code, and also because the meeting provided an opportunity to reassess our objectives and time-frame. A lot has changed in Student Conduct over the past few months; not only has Chris really settled into and started to define his position as Director of Judicial Affairs, but Anne Leavitt's new position and her commitment to generating a dialogue about the Code puts the community in a very different place than we were last May (or even in September). Furthermore, apparently very recent changes in state law will make it possible to conceive changes within the conduct system -- extremely positive changes -- that were unimaginable only a few months ago. (I hope I'm not mangling this information, Melinda!) It seems only sensible to take these new developments into account.
To shorten this already longish story: after a productive conversation, we decided to postpone any changes to the Code until there has been a chance for more dialogue, outreach and education. We will still be holding the Public Hearing on Monday in order to give any interested parties a chance to record their views at this point. But, rather than present the changes for rule promulgation in the Senate in December, I'd like instead, if possible, to use that time before the Senate as an opportunity to educate Senate members about the Code, about the sort of changes (in general) we are hoping for, and the process/concerns that led the SCC to draft this language last year.
I would, in addition, like to create an opportunity for the Senate to go on record that certain sorts of changes ARE needed. I am wondering if it would be possible to work toward passing some sort of resolution (??) in support of changing the Code. I am thinking that such a resolution could help guide any future revisions and would also help build consensus and dialogue long before we try to promulgate new rules.
If such a resolution process is feasible, there are three main points in particular that I would like to present to the Senate for feedback, and hopefully, for support:
Any future revision or review of the Student Conduct Code should strive to:
Thanks so much for your patience and your guidance.