US09/10-6 Motion concerning nominations for Senate Vice Presidency

US09/10-6 Motion concerning nominations for Senate Vice Presidency

Moved: The Secretary of the Senate be directed to write to all eligible candidates on 15 September to solicit self-nominations. The Secretary of the Senate also writes to all members of the then existant Senate to solicit self-nominations. The nominating process closes 1 October with the election occurring at the first Senate meeting of the academic year.

Background: This motion is necessary to amend the Senate Bylaws in light of the passing of Motion 09/10-5 regarding moving the election of the Vice President to the first meeting in the fall term each year. This motion also outlines the process by which nominations for the position of Senate Vice President will be submitted and respective deadlines.

This motion has no significant financial impact.

Legislative History
  • Introduced by the Senate Rules Committee for the 11 November 2009 meeting of the UO Senate.
  • Action postponed until the 02 December meeting of the UO Senate.
  • Action postponed until the 13 January 2009 meeting of the UO Senate.
  • Passed at the 10 February UO Senate meeting.
    Last update on 18 February 2010 by ms