This is information provided by Ron Severson to the UO Senate 10 May 2006. Refer to RS11May06.html for further contextualization



1.     General agreement that grade inflation is an important issue for the UO to consider


2.     Belief that departments can help by:


·     gathering departmentally specific data

·     discussing what different grade levels mean

·     developing guidelines for grading

·     publishing grade distributions among dept. members


3.     Belief that expectations and guidelines need to be communicated clearly to students, to faculty (including new faculty, GTF’s and NTTF) and, perhaps, to end users of transcripts


4.     Belief that looking at internal and external best practices helps


5.     Belief that the frequency of the A+ should be looked at closely and that the C should not be interpreted as failing


6.     General belief that effective approaches to grading enhances the reputation of a University


7.     General belief that the causes for grade inflation may be departmentally specific






1.    Is grade inflation a problem?


2.  If it is, what should be done about it?

























Web page spun on 11 May 2006 by Peter B Gilkey 202 Deady Hall, Department of Mathematics at the University of Oregon, Eugene OR 97403-1222, U.S.A. Phone 1-541-346-4717 of Deady Spider Enterprises