Members of the UO Senate
MEMO FROM: Peter B Gilkey (For the Senate Executive Committee)
19: 02 Wednesday 26 April 1999
On 14 April 1999, the University senate voted to: refer the matter
of a new post tenure review policy to the Senate Executive Committee, and,
keeping the current discussion in mind to report back to the members of
the senate in a timely manner in order for a policy statement to be voted
on during the May 12, 1999 University Senate meeting. Members of the Senate Executive
Committee have consulted with the Senate Conference Committee concerning "draft-a"; the
Senate Conference Committee has prepared a
revised version of that document which is posted at
Members of the Senate Executive Committee have also undertaken a `minimalist' rewrite of
current PTR policy pursuant to the directive cited above; this document is posted at
[with a source comparison at colorlite.html].
Here are some key features of the Senate Executive Committee document ("draftlite"):
Reviews required:
Two levels of regular, developmental review are required of all
tenured faculty who are not evaluated through the established Administrative
Review process:
1) A substantive review at the three-year point after a prior major
post tenure review or after promotion. Other reviews (such as those undertaken
for regular salary or merit-pay adjustments) may contribute to the third-year
review, but may not be substituted for it.
2) A major post tenure review every six years after a prior major post
tenure review or after being promoted or receiving tenure.
The work load imposed by the third year review is minimized and the reviews
are performed at the local level:
The third-year substantive review. This review shall be conducted
jointly by each individual faculty member and the appropriate dean, department,
or program head. The faculty member shall submit by March 15th of the review
year an updated vita and bibliography, and a summary statement of activities
and accomplishments in the areas of research, teaching and service covering
the previous three years.
The sixth-year major post-tenure review shall be conducted by an
elected standing committee of the unit (department, program, school, or
college) including three or more tenured faculty members of whom one may
be outside the unit.
The words "unusually strong" are replaced by "positive" and "should" by
"shall" in the following paragraph under USE OF REVIEWS.
A positive evaluation resulting from post-tenure review shall result
in an appropriate recommendation for salary increase at the next distribution
of merit increase funds.
The preamble and the paragraph from draft-b concerning The Dynamics of
Professorial Careers form the preamble to "draftlite'; we modified one
sentence to ensure that any possible career redirection involves the mutual
consent of all parties involved. The developmental nature of the reviews
is emphasized:
.....To preserve the constructive intent of post-tenure review,
however, summary post-tenure statements or reports shall not be used in
procedures for disciplinary sanctions. The procedures and criteria for
sanctions are addressed separately under existing statutes (OAR 580-021-0320,
OAR 580-021-0325, and OAR 580-022-0045).
We solicit your comments on our preliminary version of "draftlite"
of existing PTR policy; all comments will be considered carefully. Send
comments via email to
or in hard copy to Peter B Gilkey, Mathematics Department, University of
Oregon, Eugene Or 97403. We plan to post a final draft on the web Wednesday
May 5 1999.