Motion US98/99-5 is now on the floor of the senate. In its original version, Professor P. Gilkey at the January 1999 meeting of the UO Senate made the following motion which was duely seconded:
RESOLUTION: The senate adopts and endorses the Report
of the Senate Ad Hoc Committee
concerning Post Tenure Review received at the December 1998 meeting
of the Senate.
On Wednesday 14 April 1999, Professor M. Vitulli made a motion, which was duely seconded, to amend Resolution US98/99-5. The Senate passed her amendment. The resolution as amended currently reads:
RESOLUTION: The senate adopts and endorses the policy statement
on post tenure review
submitted by the Senate Conference Committee.
On 14 April 1999, the University senate passed the following motion:
RESOLUTION: To refer the matter of a new post tenure review policy to the Senate Executive Committee, and, keeping the current discussion in mind to report back to the members of the senate in a timely manner in order for a policy statement to be voted on during the May 12, 1999 University Senate meeting.