Thanks for your work on post tenure review. Since I'll retire in three years, these comments don't come from personal interest in the matter. As a prior chair of the DAC and member of the FPC, I regard the notion of a college committee to conduct post tenure reviews as flat out unworkable. This applies only to the college; I know nothing about professional schools. Gilkey has explained the reason. The DAC relies on outside letters, and on extensive internal material. Such material would be unavailable during post tenure reviews. Either the reviews would be profunctory or the work of the committee would be overwhelming.
Several years ago, various chairs of the DAC and FAC were invited to a meeting to discuss decreasing the load of these committees. At that meeting, I said "I believe there are only three really important University committees: the DAC, the FPC, and the FAC. The future of the University depends on these committees, and faculty members elected to them make time for the work because it is a one-time affair. We should not diminish the role of these committees."
I still believe this very strongly. But it only works if THERE ARE ONLY THREE SUCH COMMITTEES. Dick