The following email message was sent by Senate
President Jeffrey Hurwit on 25 January 1999 to the members of the UO Senate.
The heading on the email message was "Melinda Grier's Comments on PTR"
Below please find Melinda Grier's comments on the report issued by the
Senate Ad Hoc Committee on Post-Tenure Review. Clearly, we must be careful
to take Melinda's comments/critiques into account as we discuss and craft
a new PTR policy. Be reminded, also, of the AAUP-Senate Forum on PTR to
held Wednesday, Feb 3, at 3:00, in 100 Willamette.
On other fronts, I want to let you know that I have just appointed ANOTHER
Senate Ad Hoc Committee, this time to review the decennial program review
housed in the Graduate School. The members of the committee are Van Kolpin,
Kate Nicholson, Roger Haydock, Ian Duncan, and Marjorie Woollacott. I greatly
appreciate their willingness to serve and to report their findings to the
senate in the spring.
Jeffrey Hurwit, President University Senate, 1998-99
Discrepancies Between the Requirements of the Proposed Administrative
Rule and Internal Management Directive on Post-Tenure Review and The Draft
Report by the Senate Ad Hoc Committee on Post Tenure Review
Prepared by Melinda Grier
General Counsel
For purposes of this analysis, I've referred to various sections of
proposed Internal Management Directive (IMD) 4.002. I have used the
language proposed to the Board of Higher Education at its December 18,
1998, meeting. For ease of comparison, I have quoted the language with
my comments below. The area of greatest concern is with the
requirements for institutional guidelines found in paragraph (3) of the
IMD. It reads:
(3) Institutional guidelines shall include, but not be limited to:
- (a) a statement of post-tenure review objectives;
- (b) a statement of criteria to be used in evaluations, the nature and
kinds of data that will be accumulated, and the methods of data
- (c) a designation of persons making evaluations;
- (d) a designation of the frequency and regularity of evaluations;
- (e) a description of the institutional plan for relating post-tenure
reviews to the faculty reward system, so that salary-adjustment
- (f) a description of appropriate formative opportunities (e.g.,
professional development plan, faculty career support program [IMD
- (g) a description of the institutional plan to deal firmly but humanely
with situations in which a faculty member's competence or vitality have
diminished to such an extent that formative opportunities are unable to
sufficiently stimulate or assist the faculty member's return to a fully
effective state.
My comments:
- a. a statement of post-tenure review objectives
While the preamble suggests purposes and there is some greater
definition in "Collective Professional Responsibility for Faculty
Development," page 3, they are vague. The objectives should be more in
line with those proposed in the amendments to the Board's Administrative
Rule on Post-Tenure Review, OAR 580-021-0140(2).
- b.
a statement of criteria to be used in evaluations, the nature and kinds
of data that will be accumulated, and the methods of data collection
A statement of criteria must be in the university's guidelines rather
than being done at the departmental or individual level. Except for a
self study by the faculty member, and in the sixth year, classroom
visits, the draft does not identify what types of data will be
- c. a designation of persons making evaluations
The draft proposes the third year review will be conducted by
colleagues from the same administrative unit (the faculty peer
committee) and the administrative head of the unit. For the sixth-year
developmental review, the draft proposes a faculty peer committee, but I
did not note participation of the administrative head of the unit. This
meets the requirement set out in the IMD, but because the review
involves recommendations regarding resource allocation and salary
recommendations, it is important for department heads and deans to be
involved in the process.
- d. a designation of the frequency and regularity of evaluations
The draft appears to satisfy this requirement.
e. a description of the institutional plan for relating post-tenure
reviews to the faculty reward system, so that salary-adjustment
decisions will reflect the results of performance evaluations
I couldn't find anything in the draft to meet this requirement. Also,
the possibility a review would end without conclusion, as possible in
the "Mediation" component of the sixth-year review, would preclude a
salary adjustment based on the outcome of the review. The proposed
amendment to the Board's administrative rule on post-tenure review also
requires remuneration to be linked clearly to performance, OAR 580-021-
- f. a description of appropriate formative opportunities (e.g.,
professional development plan, faculty career support program [IMD
Other than "Faculty Resource Support," which is part of the sixth-year
review, the draft does not describe other formative opportunities which
might be used to help a faculty member improve performance.
- g. a description of the institutional plan to deal firmly but humanely
with situations in which a faculty member's competence or vitality have
diminished to such an extent that formative opportunities are unable to
sufficiently stimulate or assist the faculty member's return to a fully
effective state
There is no description of a plan to deal with situations in which a
faculty member's competency has diminished so that developmental
activities won't result in an acceptable level of performance.
Last changed 13:54 25 January 1998