To: All Faculty Members
From: Jeffrey Hurwit (president University Senate) and
Peter B. Gilkey (president UO chapter AAUP)
Re: UO Public Forum
on Post Tenure Review
Date: 27 January 1999
The UO University Senate and the UO chapter of the AAUP are sponsoring
a public forum on Post Tenure Review (PTR). The forum will be held Wednesday
February 3, 1999 in 100 Willamette from 3:00 to 5:00 p.m. The following
people have agreed to serve as panelists:
Professor Laura Alpert, School of Architecture and Allied Arts, Fine Arts
Professor John Bonine, Law School
General Counsel Melinda Grier, President's Office
Provost John Moseley, Office of Academic Affairs
Professor Michael Russo, Lundquist College of Business, Management
Dean Joe Stone, College of Arts and Sciences
The public forum on Wednesday February 3 is intended to allow a free and
open exchange of ideas concerning various policy issues which must be addressed
by the University Senate when it takes up the question of PTR later in
February. A number of documents are available for review on the web. You
are encouraged to consult:
Post Tenure Review is a matter that is of vital concern to many faculty
members at the University of Oregon. We invite you to attend the public
forum on Wednesday February 3, 1999 and participate in the discussion.
Feel free to contact one of us if you have questions.
Jeff Hurwit (President UO Senate) jhurwit@darkwing.uoregon.edu
Peter B Gilkey (President UO chapter of the AAUP) gilkey@darkwing.uoregon.edu
This page http://darkwing.uoregon.edu/~uosenate/dirptr99/forum2.htmlwas
last changed 10:04 Tuesday 26 January 1999