CAVEAT: The following document has been retyped by Senate Vice President Peter Gilkey from a photocopy of a typed version. The normative version of the document is maintained in GIF format

Existing Post Tenure Review Policy

University of Oregon Policy Statement

3.150 Employee Status

TITLE: Post Tenure Review

PURPOSE: To state the University's policy and to outline the procedures for implementing post-tenure review of the faculty as directed by OAR 580-21-140.

POLICY The University provides for a post-tenure review of its faculty to encourage, to reward, and to support the continuous development of tenured members of the faculty, and through the process of peer review to identify faculty members who merit speical recognition or need special assistance.


CRITERIA: The procedure for post-tenure review relates closely to the regular review process for faculty. In addition to the review for promotion and tenure by the University Personnel Committee, yearly evaluation of faculty members are made by many department heads, deans, or other supervising officers.

The following criteria (elaborated in the Faculty Handbook) will be used in post-tenure review:

  1. Maintance of high quality of teaching
  2. Continuing professional growth, scholarly activities, creative and artistic achievement.
  3. Exercise of leadership in academic and administrative service.
  4. Service and activities on behalf of the larger community.
In addition, several criteria established by individual departments and schools shall be used.

The information to be considered in decisions concerning post-tenure review will include the faculty member's statement of scholarly, scientific, professional or artistic accomplishments, goals, and plans; an up-to-date vitae and bibliography; accumulated annual faculty evaulation reports; faculty member's responses, if any. Additional information including any of the following may be requested:

  1. A statement from the department head, dean or provost summarizing the past duties and responsibilities of the faculty member, including pertinent information concerning the conditions of appointment.
  2. Student evaluations and other materials relating to the quality of teaching or administration.
  3. In appropriate instances, letters of evaulation from individuals both on and off campus, with particular attention to evaluations by persons specially qualified to judge the contributions of the faculty member over the period of review.
  4. Supportive documents such as copies of publications, manuscripts, photographs of art objects, musical compositions, or reviews of performance.
  5. Other evaluation statements.
PROCEDURE: Post-tenure reviews shall be conducted by an elected standing committee of the unit (school, college or department) including three or more tenured faculty members, of whom one may be outside the unit. The total number of members shall be determined by the unit. The committee shall include no department head or dean.

Each school or college must have an elected, standing oversight committee. In the case of those schools or colleges which have formal departments, the post-tenure review shall be conducted by an elected committee of the department. In the case of those schools or colleges which do not have formal departments, the post-tenure review shall be conducted by the elected, standing oversight committee of that school or college, which may be an existing committee or one newly devised for that purpose. In the case of units so small that a post-tenure review committee is impractical, the larger unit's oversight committee will make arrangments for post-tenure review.

In addition to any other annual evaluation of tenured faculty, a post-tenure review will be required at least every five years. The post-tenure review is to be conducted at regular intervals regardless of the rank of the faculty member, except for persons within three (3) years of retirement if that is the policy of the school or college. At the option of the faculty member, the department head, or the dean, an earlier review may be requested. The request for review, submitted in writing, shall include reasons for the earlier consideration. Copies shall be sent to the faculty member, the department head, and the dean. The time for review shall be determined by the review committee.

Any review for promotion shall be substituted for the post-tenure review. A tenured member of the faculty or administration may request, in lieu of the post-tenure review, a special review by the University Personnel Committee conducted through the regular review process.

Copies of the report of the post-tenure review shall be sent to the faculty member, and to the appropriate administrative officials. The faculty member may submit a written response to the report within thirty days; the response shall be attached to the report of the committee.


  • 1) Post-tenure review and recognition of excellence. An unusually strong evaluation resulting from post-tenure review should result in an appropriate recommendation for salary increase at the next distribution of merit increase funds. Other faculty rewards should be considered by the post-tenure review committee for recommendation to the Dean or Department Head. Faculty rewards may include but need not be limited to the following:
    1. reallocation of departmental resourses on a temporary basis to allow opportunity for development of new sourses to enrich the curriculum, or to allow additional research opportunity;
    2. additional research or clerical support;
    3. university recognition of individual faculty members for outstanding achievement
  • 2) Career Support Program. Upon the recommendation of the post-tenure review committee, the University shall provide to the faculty member such opportunities to improve the performance as the following:
    1. Consultation with colleagues for purposes of assistance in problem areas.
    2. Appropriate reallocation of department assignments to facilitate updating an improvement in teaching or research
    3. Access to a center for improvement of instruction or scholarly effort
    4. Personal counseling
    Until a faculty member has been given adequate opportunities for improvement including the provision of appropriate career support opportunities, and an additional post tenure review by the College or School Post Tenure Review Committee has been conducted, no action resulting or derived from post tenure review shall be taken under OAR 580-21-320 (Termination and Other Sanctions for Cause).

    If an additional post tenure review finds the faculty member unwilling or unable to perform at acceptable levels, altered career plan counseling or early retirement opportunities may be provided by the University

    Faculty Legislation April 6 1977 as amended April 10 1985.
    Date: January 2, 1986
    Reviewed and Adoption Recommended by: University Senate
    Reissued by: The President