D. Post-Tenure Review
In order to assure that tenured faculty members are aware of their contributions to the institution and how their careers are progressing, the university has developed a program of post-tenure review. It is recommended that full-time, tenured faculty members holding the rank of associate professor be evaluated every three years and full professors be evaluated every five years. In the post-tenure review, the record of performance is subjected to a thorough examination of peer review intended to encourage faculty development and to identify faculty members who merit special recognition or need special assistance. The process, to a large extent, mirrors that for promotion and tenure. The same criteria are used, with the differences being that the case is developed by a departmental committee on post-tenure review, external reviews are typically not solicited, and the file is not submitted to the Faculty Personnel Committee. However, the dean and the provost review the case and may comment on it.
A tenured faculty member may substitute the regular promotion process for a post-tenure review. Faculty members who have formally declared their intention to retire within the next three years are exempt.