Rebecca Huntington, higher education reporter for the Register Guard, has today informed me that Representative Ken Strobeck (R-Beaverton) has just introduced a bill (HB 2072) that would eliminate tenure for higher education faculty, and requiring employment contracts of no more than three years instead. This should put our discussion of post-tenure review into a little sharper focus. Here follows a portion of my response to Rebecca:
Though I am no lawyer, it is my belief that the elimination of tenure for faculty who already have been granted tenure (if that is Rep. Strobeck's intent) probably is illegal, since it represents a breach of contract. It may be that he intends "simply" to ban granting tenure to new faculty in the future, and that, regrettably, may be legal.
Let me also suggest that, should this bill pass, it would in all likelihood destroy the system of higher education in this state. Professors in the public universities of Oregon are, as you know, very badly compensated compared to professors in other states. Without at least the possibility of tenure to offer them, the best and the brightest of academics would simply not consider a position in Oregon worth their trouble. Promising new faculty would not come; established faculty would leave in droves. Rep. Strobeck's bill, perhaps more than any other I can think of, would condemn the public universities of Oregon to mediocrity. And that, of course, would take a terrible toll upon the youth of the state, and thus upon its future.
That may be more of a response than you wanted--and it may be more of a response than Strobeck's bill deserves--at this point, so early in the session. Sorry if that's the case.
I'd be happy to discuss the issue more with you anytime, and I ask that you let me know if you hear anything about the bill in the future.
GIVEN THIS DEVELOPMENT, all faculty and senators especially should be
aware of the U of O Lobby Day being held in Salem on February 24. Here
are the details as they have been supplied to me. Please let other faculty
know of Lobby Day, and please respond to Jennifer Soulagnet by February
8 if you are able to attend:
Jennifer Soulagnet '97 Alumni Events Assistant UO Alumni Association 1204 University of Oregon Eugene OR 97403-1204 541-346-3180 (ph) 541-346-2822 (fax) jsoulagn@oregon.uoregon.eduLOBBY DAY REGISTRATION 9:30 a.m.; Galleria, State Capitol Building ADVOCACY TRAINING SESSION 10:15 to 11:00 a.m.; See registration table for training site. Join UO Legislative relations staff for an interactive workshop on how to effectively communicate with legislators. LUNCH AND ADVOCACY PROGRAM 11:30 a.m. to 12:55 p.m.; Galleria and Rotunda, State Capitol Building. Rally with UO President Dave Frohnmayer, state legislators, the UO Duck Mascot and alumni to show your support for the university and higher education. The UO School of Music's Gospel Choir will provide musical entertainment. MEET YOUR LEGISLATORS If you wish to personally meet with your local legislators after lunch, please sign up below and we will schedule an appointment for you. Please respond by Monday, February 8, 1999. Questions? Call 6-5020. If you are unable to attend this event but would like to show support for the UO, call your legislators on Wednesday, February 24 and encourage reinvestment in higher education!