Date: Tue, 27 Jan 2004 11:33:54 -0800
Dear All,
Like Gina Psaki, I want to compliment Garrett on his
draft. I have no major revisions to suggest. I do agree with Gina's point
that we should make a
reference to "recent changes in federal law" at some point. (I think this is better language than "recent federal legislation," since it doesn't get us back into
the question of whether we're responding to the FERPA changes or the new context brought about by the Patriot Act.) I also would like to see the "while
essential in a free society" phrase dropped.
In order to maintain my professorial credentials, I will
offer two quibbles: First, in paragraph one, could we say we're "partially
supported by taxpayer
funds"? Second, a very minor stylistic point, in the second sentence of the last paragraph, I'd suggest reversing the order of the two prepositional phrases
so it reads "cannot provide legal immunity from lawful orders to any of its personnel."
Garrett--thanks again for putting this together.
From: Daniel Pope
Subject: Re: Senate Ad Hoc Committee on Student Records
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