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Re: starship-design: Is The Air Force The Enemy Of Space?

>No wonder our spaceflight prospects are as poor as they are what with
>Blue-Suits like him running everything. I can't believe this man had the
>gall to say that his pro-space critics "should worry more about winning
>wars and less about protecting 'pet' projects."

Ironic giving everything in the Airforce, or most all the military, is 
maintained only as folks pet projects.  The SR-71s were grounded because the 
generals it was "the pet project of" finaly retired.


>Early Soviet warheads were unsophisticated and very large. This allowed
>their Chief Designer Korolov a chance to make a space-booster from the
>get-go. Though many howled in his country, finding the R-7 too large even
>for their heavy nuclear devices, calmer heads prevailed and the R-7 went
>on to launch Sputnik, Vostok, Voskhod, the Zenit spy-sat (still being built
>as automated Vostoks), Soyuz (Dennis Tito) and Progress re-supply ships to

Ironic that lots of our space launch capacity is due to sdloppy warhead 
designs, or the lack of.

>When General Jumper was asked by Space News " Does the Pentagon need a
>separate space force?" He said that he saw "no reason for it."

Give up control?!

You think the Army generals thought spining off the Army Air corps into the 
Airforce made sence?

Hell the Airforce is reabsorbing space command back into SCA.
