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RE: starship-design: Why?

On Monday, December 08, 1997 3:49 AM, Timothy van der Linden 
[SMTP:TLG.van.der.Linden@tip.nl] wrote:

> Curiosity.

Kelly, wanted a reason why we would send repeat missions. I was simply 
pointing out that if there was ANY reason to go in the first place, it 
would certainly be enough reason to go again and again...

I don't deny that it is possible we will go out of simple curiosity. I just 
look at the cost and time involved and come up with the conclusion that the 
ONLY reason we will go is curiosity. What I was alluding to is that there 
is no sound economic basis for such a mission so profit as a motive is out. 
It is to expensive for simple wanderlust (so much for Eric the Red), and I 
find it implausible that ANY politician would seriously believe that the 
days of empires and colonies aren't over.

All in all, its a tough sell for anything other than "because its there".


                                                      (o o)

 "Reach low orbit and you're halfway to anywhere in the Solar System"
                                        - Robert Anson Heinlein