intensive courses & workshops

intensive courses & workshops
1993 (April-June). Introdução à linguística (gramática). Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi, Belém, Brazil. An accelerated introductory course co-taught with Dr. Francisco Queixalos (CNRS/ORSTOM).
1993 (December 7-16). A perspectiva funcionalista das relações sintáticas, semânticas e pragmáticas. Museu Nacional/Universidade Federal de Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. 18-hour intensive course, taught for the Curso de Especialização em Línguas Indígenas Brasileiras, Departamento de Antropologia.
1994 (October 2-11). Introdução à sintaxe diacrônica. Universidade do Brasil, Brasília, Brazil. A 16-hour graduate-level intensive course taught for the Departamento de Lingüística, Línguas Clásicas, e Vernacular.
1996 (July 2-14). Inverse as alignment, inverse as voice. Australian Linguistic Institute, Canberra, Australia. A 16-hour intensive course on the typology and theory of inverse, offered as one of the 24 courses of the 1996 Australian Linguistic Institute, sponsored by the Australian Linguistics Society.
2003 (November 24-28). Lingüística Histórica: O método comparativo, a reconstrução, e clasificação. Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Campinas, Brazil. A 20-hour intensive course introducing key concepts of historical linguistics, including use of the comparative method for the reconstruction of morphosyntax.
2004 (October 11-14). Estratégias de Elaboração e Apresentação de Resultados de Pesquisa Científica. Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Campinas, Brazil. A 20-hour intensive course on the philosophy of science as applied to descriptive linguistics, the interaction between theoretical and operational definitions of descriptive categories, and strategies for organization of articles, conference abstracts, and conference presentations.
2004 (October 18-23). O Uso de Programas Computacionais em Linguística. Universidade Federal do Pará, Belém, Brazil. A 16-hour intensive course introducing graduate students to the overall concept of using computers to track data from recording through final analysis. Programs utilized: Audacity (sound recording and digitizing), Transcriber (creating text files linked to sound files line by line), ECONV (converting linked text files to Shoebox/Toolbox format), and Toolbox (creating interlinear analysis and other annotations on text files).
2006 (May 29-June 2). The issues of linking "language functions" to cognition (with Eric Pederson, UO). Universidade Federal do Pará, Belém, Brazil. A 20-hour intensive course addressing the study of language and cognition. Presented 8 hours on text counts and the “Fish Film” experiment as empirical means of testing for clause-level “topic”; then translated for Professor Pederson on language and spatial cognition, event realization, and logical connectives.
2007 (December 10-13). Sintaxe Histórica (with Flávia Castro Alves, Universidade de Brasília). Universidade de Brasília, Brasília, Brazil. A 12-hour intensive course, in which I taught the first 8 hours andCastro Alves the final four hours. I introduced the principles of historical syntax and walked students through a series of examples in reconstruction of syntax in the Cariban language family; Castro Alves introduced the history of the European “possessive perfect”, then showed how a parallel perfect has evolved in the Jê language family.
2009 (April 6-8). Tipologia diacrônica: Para uma explicação de padrões comuns. A 4-hour course on explaining both common and uncommon typological patterns with reference to their etymology. Common patterns are the result of functionally motivated (and therefore frequent) changes, whereas uncommon patterns are the result of historical “accidents” that preserve archaisms.
2011 (April 18-20): The Typology of Referential Hierarchies. II Congresso Internacional de Estudos Lingüísticos e Literários na Amazônia, Universidade Federal do Pará. An 8-hour course illustrating the areas of grammar where the referential hierarchy is seen (case-marking, verb agreement, direction systems, and voice) and tracing the evolution of hierarchical alignment.
2011 (November 14-18): Reconstructing Syntax. Universidad de Sonora, Hermosillo, Mexico. A 20-hour course on mechanisms and pathways of syntactic change, which then inform the principles that allow reliable syntactic reconstruction.
2012 (April 19-21): Reconstructing Syntax. Universidad de San Marcos, Lima, Peru. A 9-hour course on mechanisms and pathways of syntactic change, with principles that allow reliable syntactic reconstruction.
2013 (March 4-22): Métodos para la reconstrucción de sintaxis. Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios Superiores en Antropología Sureste (CIESAS), San Cristóbal de las Casas, Mexico. A 20-hour course introducing the principles and methods of reconstruction of syntax, followed by a 20-hour workshop designed to guide students through the process of proposing analyses of grammatical change in the languages (or language families) in which they specialize.
2014(June 3-5): Gramática de Construções. Universidade de Brasília, Brasília, Brazil. A 12-hour course introducing the fundamental concepts of Cognitive Construction Grammar (CxG), with an emphasis on applying the model to describing the indigenous languages of Amazonia.
2015. (June 15-19): Sampling & Diachronic Typology (with Dik Bakker), LOT Summer School in Linguistics, Netherlands Graduate School in Linguistics (LOT), Leuven, Belgium. A 10-hour graduate course introducing methodology and historical explanation in linguistic typology. Included related 4-hour course entitled Research Discussion Group, in which Dik and I met with a subset of 4 students from the larger class to discuss their work in progress.
1995 (June). Workshop in Grammatical Description, Rice University. A month-long series of individual consultations and presentations in the grammar of Katxuyana, Tiriyó, Waimiri-Atroari, and Wayana,
2003 (23 November). Programas computacionais de análise lingüística: Transcriber, Praat, e Shoebox. Universidade Estadual de Campinas. A four-hour presentation on the use of these programs.
2006 (April 27-28). Documenting Our Languages (With Desrey Fox, Curator, Walter Roth Museum). Walter Roth Museum of Anthropology, Georgetown, Guyana. A 12-hour intensive workshop in the issues of language endangerment, language documentation as a tool for addressing language endangerment, and using the technical tools of language documentation: audio and video recording, digitization of audio and video, and processing of digitized audio and video to create useful documentary products.
2008 (June 24-27). Grant Writing for Language Activists or Linguists (with Margaret Florey, Susan Penfield and Knud Olawsky). Institute on Field Linguistics and Language Documentation (InField), University of California, Santa Barbara. A 10-hour workshop on how to identify sources of funding and how to write successful proposals to secure funding from these sources.
2008 (June 24-30). Life in the Field (with Lise Dobrin and Knud Olawsky). Institute on Field Linguistics and Language Documentation (InField), University of California, Santa Barbara. 5 2-hour workshops on practical issues of living in a variety of field situations.
2008 (June 30-July 2). Field Phonetics (with Matthew Gordon). Institute on Field Linguistics and Language Documentation (InField), University of California, Santa Barbara. A 6-hour course on the effective use of acoustic analysis software and palatography in field situations.
2010 (June 22-July 2): Introduction to the Linguistics of Kari’nja (with Racquel Yamada). Institute for Field Linguistics and Language Documentation, University of Oregon. A 16-hour course for speakers and teachers of Kari’nja, on learning to recognize linguistic patterns in their language.
2012 (June 19-22): Grant Writing (with Doug Whalen). Co-Lang 2012: Institute on Collaborative Language Research (formerly InField), University of Kansas. A 6-hour workshop on how to identify sources of funding for language documentation and revitalization projects, and how to write successful proposals to secure funding from these sources.
2012 (June 19-22): Life (with Racquel Yamada). Co-Lang 2012: Institute on Collaborative Language Research (formerly InField), University of Kansas. A 6-hour workshop on practical issues of living and working in a variety of minority language communities.
2014.(June 23): Grant Writing Practicum. Co-Lang 2014: Institute on Collaborative Language Research (formerly InField), University of Texas, Arlington. (2 hours of one-on-one mentoring of grant writing in progress)
2014.(June 23): Workshop on physical, emotional, and sexual well-being in minority language communities (with Jorge Emilio Rosés Labrada). Co-Lang 2014: Institute on Collaborative Language Research (formerly InField), University of Texas, Arlington. (2-hour intensive workshop on the topics in the title
2014.(June 23-26): Life in Communities (with Lise Dobrin & Jorge Emilio Rosés Labrada). Co-Lang 2014: Institute on Collaborative Language Research (formerly InField), University of Texas, Arlington. Two 8-hour workshops on practical issues of living and working in a variety of minority language communities.
2014. (August 11-15): Oficina de Ortografía Katxuyana. Hosted by Iepé (Instituto de Pesquisa e Formação Indígena) in Oriximiná, Brazil. Served as linguistic consultant for a 30-hour intensive workshop in which 29 speakers of Katxuyana (including most biligual school teachers, most village chiefs, several elders and the President of the Katxuyana Association) made the major decisions to create a unified writing system for the Katxuyana language, which all Katxuyana schools agree to use from this point forward.
2014. (November 1-12): Segunda Oficina de Ortografia Katxuyana. Hosted by Instituto de Pesquisa e Formação Indígena (IEPE) in Santidade (Area Indígena Parque do Tumucumaque), Brazil. Served as linguistic consultant for a 30-hour intensive workshop in which all bilingual schoolteachers in Katxuyana schools revised existing educational materials to be consistently written in the new orthography, as developed in the first workshop. We also began compiling a dictionary of Katxuyana words, so that these spelling decisions can be communicated to anyone else wishing to write in the language.
2014. (October 10, 24; November 14, 28; December 5): Syntaxe Diachronique: Introduction et des cas d’étude. Laboratoire Dynamique Du Langage, Lyon, France. Five introductory lectures (10 hours) on grammaticalization, mechanisms of syntactic change, Diachronic Construction Grammar, reanalysis, extension, contact, conservatism, and internal reconstruction.
2015. (May 13-14): Comparative Cariban Morphosyntax: Parts of Speech (3 hours), Verb Classes & Valence (2 hours), Nonverbal Predication (2 hours), and Main Clause TAM (3 hours). Presented as part of Venezuelan Cariban: Working Conference on the Lexicon and Morphosyntax. ASLAN, Université Lumière Lyon 2, and Laboratoire Dynamique Du Langage, Lyon, France.
2016. (May 13-21): Materiais para alfabetização e educação na lingual katxuyana. Hosted by Instituto de Pesquisa e Formação Indígena (IEPE) in Aldeia Santidade (Area Indígena Kaxuyana-Tunayana), Brazil. Linguistic consultant for a 50-hour intensive workshop in which all bilingual schoolteachers in Katxuyana schools work together to develop new pedagogical materials to teach the Katxuyana writing system in schools, as well as to begin developing reference materials such as a Katxuyana Spelling Dictionary and a Trilingual Dictionary of Katxuyana, Tiriyó, and Portuguese.
2016. (May 29-31): Relaciones Gramaticales y Tipología de Alineamiento, Curso intensivo de Amazónicas VI, Universidad Nacional de Colombia en Amazonia, Leticia, Colombia. This 12-hour course introduces theoretical and operational definitions for grammatical relations, then explores the various alignment patterns identifiable in the grammatical treatment of core arguments: nominative-acusative, ergative-absolutive, semantic alignment, and hierarchical alignment.