This includes Dick Koch's very nice TeX interface: Texshop.
Os X ships with emacs, but it isn't aware of the mouse, or of Aqua. So the version that ships with Os X seems to runs only in a terminal window (by typing emacs at the prompt), but will disappoint people used to the version of emacs which runs under X11.
Such people will want an Aqua-aware emacs. There are various choices available. I use and like this one, which is kept on Apple's website: Carbon Emacs.
There are others that are surely just as good, and someone who likes fiddling can just download the source and compile from source!
This will also install xterm, but very few other clients.
This is the hardest thing, though it isn't that hard. If I feel the need to do this (I generally don't anymore), then I install fink, which is a program which ports standard unix tools to OS X, and then use fink to install xdvi and emacs.
Fink is pretty much a one-click install, but then there is a process to make sure it is up-to-date, which is detailed on that page. Under step 6. I use the "use apt-get" method since I find fink-commander too confusing, and compiling from source unnecessary.
After this, you will want to do: sudo apt-get emacs and sudo apt-get xdvi to get emacs and xdvi.
Then you should be set, although it may be necessary to set some preferences in X11 so that things like the delete key have the desired effect, and to set the PATH variable so it knows where to look for various X applications (/usr/X11/bin).
Sample .emacs file that I use.
;; custom-set-variables was added by Custom.
;; If you edit it by hand, you could mess it up, so be careful.
;; Your init file should contain only one such instance.
;; If there is more than one, they won't work right.
'(TeX-command-Show "open -a /Applications/Preview %r")
'(TeX-command-list (list (list "TeX" "tex '\\nonstopmode\\input %t'" (quote TeX-run-TeX) nil t) (list "TeX Interactive" "tex %t" (quote TeX-run-interactive) nil t) (list "LaTeX" "%l '\\nonstopmode\\input{%t}'" (quote TeX-run-LaTeX) nil t) (list "LaTeX Interactive" "%l %t" (quote TeX-run-interactive) nil t) (list "LaTeX2e" "latex2e '\\nonstopmode\\input{%t}'" (quote TeX-run-LaTeX) nil t) (list "PdfLaTeX" "/usr/texbin/pdflatex '\\nonstopmode\\input{%t}'" (quote TeX-run-LaTeX) nil t) (if (or window-system (getenv "DISPLAY")) (list "View" "open -a /Applications/TeX/ %s.pdf" (quote TeX-run-background) nil t) (list "View" "dvi2tty -q -w 132 %s " (quote TeX-run-command) t nil)) (list "Print" "%p " (quote TeX-run-command) t nil) (list "Queue" "%q" (quote TeX-run-background) nil nil) (list "File" "dvips %d -o %f " (quote TeX-run-command) t nil) (list "BibTeX" "bibtex %s" (quote TeX-run-BibTeX) nil nil) (list "Index" "makeindex %s" (quote TeX-run-command) nil t) (list "Check" "lacheck %s" (quote TeX-run-compile) nil t) (list "Spell" "