\documentstyle[12pt]{article} \begin{document} ************************************************************************* \par {\bf C*-NEWS 43} \hskip8truecm 01*01*1995/01*10*1995 \par ************************************************************************* \bigskip C*-96/P.3544 \hskip1truecm{\bf WINSLOW C.} \par Global Structure in the Semigroup of Endomorphisms on a Von Neumann \par Algebra \par Univ. Copenhagen, Inst. Math., 5 Universitetsparken, \par DK-2100 Copenhagen 0 (Denmark)\bigskip C*-96/P.3545 \hskip1truecm{\bf PEDERSEN G.K.} \par A Strict Version of the Non-commutative Urysohn Lemma \par Univ. Copenhagen, Inst. Math., 5 Universitetsparken, \par DK-2100 Copenhagen 0 (Denmark)\bigskip C*-96/P.3545 \hskip1truecm{\bf LARSEN N.S., OSAKA H.} \par Extremal Richness of Multiplier Algebras and Corona Algebras of \par Simple C*-Algebras\par Univ. Copenhagen, Inst. Math., 5 Universitetsparken, \par DK-2100 Copenhagen 0 (Denmark)\bigskip C*-96/P.3546 \hskip1truecm{\bf EILERS S.} \par K\"unneth Splittings and Classification of C*-Algebras\par With Finitely Many Ideals \par Univ. Copenhagen, Inst. Math., 5 Universitetsparken, \par DK-2100 Copenhagen 0 (Denmark) \par E-MAIL : eilers@math.ku.dk \bigskip C*-96/P.3548 \hskip1truecm{\bf MORTENSEN J.} \par Classification of Certain Non-Simple C*-Algebras \par Institut for Matematik og datalogi - Odense Universitet \par campusvej 55 - DK-5230 Odense M (Denmark) \par E-MAIL : jmo@imada.ou.dk \bigskip C*-96/P.3549 \hskip1truecm{\bf FRANK K.} \par Fortsetzbarkeits-Probleme in der Theorie der dynamischen Halbgruppen \par Dissertation A zur Erlangung des akademischen Grades Dokto \par der Naturwissenschaften - Universitat Leipzig\bigskip C*-96/P.3550 \hskip1truecm{\bf EXEL R.} \par Unconditional Integrability for Dual Actions \par Departamento de Matematica - Univ. de Sao Paulo \par C.P. 20570 - 01452-990 Sao Paulo (Brazil) \par E-MAIL : exel@ime.usp.br \bigskip C*-96/P.3551 \hskip1truecm{\bf EILERS S.} \par Connectivity and Components for C*-Algebras\par Univ. Copenhagen, Inst. Math., 5 Universitetsparken, \par DK-2100 Copenhagen 0 (Denmark) \par E-MAIL : eilers@math.ku.dk \bigskip C*-96/P.3552 \hskip1truecm{\bf AKEMANN C.A., EILERS S.} \par Noncommutative End Theory \par Univ. Copenhagen, Inst. Math., 5 Universitetsparken, \par DK-2100 Copenhagen 0 (Denmark) \par E-MAIL : akemann@math.ucsb.edu \par\hskip1,9truecm eilers@math.ku.dk \bigskip C*-96/P.3553 \hskip1truecm{\bf EILERS S.} \par Notes on End Theory \par Univ. Copenhagen, Inst. Math., 5 Universitetsparken, \par DK-2100 Copenhagen 0 (Denmark) \par E-MAIL : eilers@math.ku.dk \bigskip C*-96/P.3554 \hskip1truecm{\bf WINSLOW C.} \par Topologizing the Semigroup of Endomorphisms on a von Neumann \par Algebra \par Univ. Copenhagen, Inst. Math., 5 Universitetsparken, \par DK-2100 Copenhagen 0 (Denmark) \bigskip C*-96/P.3555 \hskip1truecm{\bf RORDAM M.} \par Classification of Extensions of Certain C*-Algebras by their \par Six Term Exact Sequences in K-Theory \par Institut for Matematik og datalogi - Odense Universitet \par Campusvej 55 - DK-5230 Odense M (Denmark) \par E-MAIL : mikael@imada.ou.dk\bigskip C*-96/P.3556 \hskip1truecm{\bf EILERS S., LORING T.A.m \par \hskip3,7truecm PEDERSEN G.K.} \par Multiplier Realizations and Extensions of C*-Algebras \par Univ. Copenhagen, Inst. Math., 5 Universitetsparken, \par DK-2100 Copenhagen 0 (Denmark) \bigskip C*-96/P.3557 \hskip1truecm{\bf IZUMI M.} \par Subalgebras of Infinite C*-Algebras with Finite Indices. \par II. Cuntz-Krieger Algebras \par Department of Mathematics - Univ. California \par Berkeley CA 94720 (USA)\bigskip C*-96/P.3558 \hskip1truecm{\bf IZUMI M., KOSAKI E.} \par Finite Dimensional Kac Algebras Arising from Certain group \par Actions on a Factor \par Department of Mathematics - Univ. California \par Berkeley CA 94720 (USA)\bigskip C*-96/P.3559 \hskip1truecm{\bf BISCH D.} \par Bimodules, Higher Relative Commutants and the Fusion Algebra \par Associated to a Subfactor \par Department of Mathematics - Univ. California \par Berkeley CA 94720 (USA) \par E-MAIL : bisch@math.berkeley.edu \bigskip C*-96/P.3560 \hskip1truecm{\bf ITOH S.} \par On Extending Positive Definite Maps \par Department of Mathematics - Kyusyu Institute of Technology \par Toba, Kitakyushu 804 \par E-MAIL : itohs@hakobera.isct.kyutech.ac.jp\bigskip C*-96/P.3561 \hskip1truecm{\bf GUIDO D., ISOLA T.} \par Singular Traces on Semifinite Von Neumann Algebras \par Departimentico di Matematica - Univ. di Roma "Tor Vorgata" \par Via della Ricerca Scientifica - 00133 Roma (Italy) \par E-MAIL : guido@mat.utovrm.it \par\hskip1,9truecm isola@mat.utovrm.it \bigskip C*-96/P.3562 \hskip1truecm{\bf ALBEVERIO S., GUIDO D. \par \hskip3,7truecm PONOSOV A., SCARLATTI S.} \par Singular Traces and Compact Operators. I. \par Departimentico di Matematica - Univ. di Roma "Tor Vorgata" \par Via della Ricerca Scientifica - 00133 Roma (Italy) \par E-MAIL : guido@mat.utovrm.it \par\hskip1,9truecm scarlatti@mat.utovrm.it\bigskip C*-96/P.3563 \hskip1truecm{\bf CIPRIANI F., GUIDO D. \par \hskip3,7truecm SCARLATTI S.} \par A Remark on Trace Properties of K-Cycles \par Departimentico di Matematica - Univ. di Roma "Tor Vorgata" \par Via della Ricerca Scientifica - 00133 Roma (Italy) \par E-MAIL : fabio@maths.nott.ac.uk , guido@mat.utovrm.it \par\hskip1,9truecm scarlatti@mat.utovrm.it\bigskip C*-96/P.3564 \hskip1truecm{\bf BISCH D., JONES V.} \par Algebras Associated to Intermediate Subfactors \par Department of Mathematics - Univ. California \par Berkeley CA 94720 (USA) \par E-MAIL : bisch@math.berkeley.edu \par\hskip1,9truecm vfr@math.berkeley.edu\bigskip C*-96/P.3565 \hskip1truecm{\bf CIPRIANI F.} \par Dirichlet Forms and Markovian Semigroups on Standard Forms \par of Von Neumann Algebras \par Department of Mathematics - Univ. Nottingham \par University Park - Nottingham NG7 2RD (U.K.)\bigskip C*-96/P.3566 \hskip1truecm{\bf DOROFEEV S., THOMSEN K.} \par Formulae and Continuity for the Index of Subfactors \par Department of Mathematics - Univ. Aarhus - Ny Munkegade, \par bldg 530 - 8000 Aarhus C. (Denmark) \par E-MAIL : institut@mi.aau.dk\bigskip C*-96/P.3567 \hskip1truecm{\bf THOMSEN K.} \par Limits of Certain Subhomogeneous C*-Algebras \par Department of Mathematics - Univ. Aarhus - Ny Munkegade, \par bldg 530 - 8000 Aarhus C. (Denmark)\bigskip C*-96/P.3568 \hskip1truecm{\bf DOROFEEV S., THOMSEN K.} \par Factors and Subfactors Arising from Inductive Limits \par Department of Mathematics - Univ. Aarhus - Ny Munkegade, \par bldg 530 - 8000 Aarhus C. (Denmark) \par E-MAIL : institut@mi.aau.dk\bigskip C*-96/P.3569 \hskip1truecm{\bf SATO N.} \par A Relation Between Two Subfactors Arising from a Non-Degenerate \par Commuting Square - An Answer to a Question Raised by V.F.R. Jones- \par Graduate School of Mathematical Sciences - Univ. Tokyo \par Komaba - Tokyo (Japan) \par E-MAIL : nobuya@ms.u-tokyo.ac.jp\bigskip C*-96/P.3570 \hskip1truecm{\bf HARRIS A., KADISON R.V.} \par Affine Mappings of Invertible Operators \par Department of Mathematics - Univ. Kentucky \par Lexington KY 40506-0027 (USA)\bigskip C*-96/P.3571 \hskip1truecm{\bf RADULESCU Fl.} \par An Invariant for Subfactors in the Von Neumann Algebra of a \par Free Group \par Department of Mathematics - Univ Iowa - Iowa City - IA 52246 (USA)\bigskip C*-96/P.3572 \hskip1truecm{\bf RADULESCU Fl.} \par Some Estimates for Banach Space Norms in the Von Neumann Algebras \par Associated with the Berezin's Quantization of Compact Riemann \par Surfaces (revised Version) \par Department of Mathematics - Univ Iowa -Iowa City - IA 52246 (USA)\bigskip C*-96/P.3573 \hskip1truecm{\bf HARRIS L.A., KADISON R.V.} \par Schurian Algebras and Spectral Additivity \par Department of Mathematics - Univ. Kentucky \par Lexington KY 40506-0027 (USA)\bigskip C*-96/P.3574 \hskip1truecm{\bf B\'EGUIN C., BETTAIEB H. \par \hskip3,7truecm VALETTE A.} \par K-Theory for C*-Algebras of One-Relator Groups (Preliminary Version) \par Institut de Math\'ematiques - Univ. Neuch\^atel - \par Rue Emile-Argand 11 - CH-2000 Neuch\^atel (Suisse) \par E-MAIL : valette@maths.unine.ch\bigskip C*-96/P.3575 \hskip1truecm{\bf BETTAIEB H., VALETTE A.} \par On $K_1$ of Reduced C*-Algebras of Discrete Groups \par Institut de Math\'ematiques - Univ. Neuch\^atel - \par Rue Emile-Argand 11 - CH-2000 Neuch\^atel (Suisse) \par E-MAIL : valette@maths.unine.ch\bigskip C*-96/P.3576 \hskip1truecm{\bf YLINEN K.} \par Positive Operator Bimeasures and a Noncommutative Generalization \par Department of Mathematics - Univ. Turku - FIN-20500 Turku (Finland)\bigskip C*-96/P.3577 \hskip1truecm{\bf KALISZEWSKI S., QUIGG J., \par \hskip3,7truecm RAEBURN I.} \par Duality of Restriction and Induction for C*-Coactions \par Department of Mathematics - Univ. Newcastle \par Newcastle, New South Wales 2308 (Australia) \par E-MAIL : kaz@frey.newcastle.edu.au , quigg@math.la.asu.edu \par\hskip1,9truecm iain@frey.newcastle.edu.au\bigskip C*-96/P.3578 \hskip1truecm{\bf BLACKADAR B., KIRCHBERG E.} \par Inner Quasidiagonality and Strong NF Algebras \par Department of Mathematics - Univ. Nevada - Reno - NE 89557 (USA)\bigskip C*-96/P.3579 \hskip1truecm{\bf BLACKADAR B., KIRCHBERG E.} \par Generalized Inductive Limits of Finite-Dimensional C*-Algebras \par Department of Mathematics - Univ. Nevada - Reno - NE 89557 (USA)\bigskip C*-96/P.3580 \hskip1truecm{\bf KALISZEWSKI S., QUIGG J.} \par Imprimitivity for C*-Coactions of Non-Amenable Groups \par Department of Mathematics - Univ. Newcastle \par Newcastle, New South Wales 2308 (Australia) \par E-MAIL : kaz@frey.newcastle.edu.au , \par\hskip1,9truecm quigg@math.la.asu.edu\bigskip C*-96/P.3581 \hskip1truecm{\bf BISCH D., JONES V.} \par Algebras Associated to Intermediate Subfactors \par Department of Mathematics - Univ. California \par Berkeley CA 94720 (USA) \par E-MAIL : bisch@math.berkeley.edu \par\hskip1,9truecm vfr@math.berkeley.edu\bigskip C*-96/P.3582 \hskip1truecm{\bf FRIIS P., RORDAM M.} \par Almost Commuting Self-adjoint Matrices - A Short Proof of \par Huaxin Lin's Theorem \par Institut for Matematik og datalogi - Odense Universitet \par Campusvej 55 - DK-5230 Odense M (Denmark) \par E-MAIL : mikael@imada.ou.dk\bigskip C*-96/P.3583 \hskip1truecm{\bf LORING T.A.} \par When Matrices Commute \par Department of Mathematics and Statistics - Univ. New Mexico \par Albuquerque NM 87131 (USA) \par E-MAIL : loring@math.unm.edu\bigskip C*-96/P.3584 \hskip1truecm{\bf WU L.} \par Positive Definite Generalized Functions on Operator Algebras \par Department of Mathematics - East Chinal Normal Univ. \par Shanghai 200062 (People's Rep. China)\bigskip C*-96/P.3585 \hskip1truecm{\bf BRATTELI O., JORGENSEN P.E.T.} \par Iterated Function Systems and Permutation Representations of the \par Cuntz Algebra \par Department of Mathematics - Univ. Oslo - PB 1053 \par Blindern N-0316 Oslo (Norway) \par E-MAIL : bratteli@math.uic.no \par\hskip1,9truecm jorgen@math.uiowa.edu\bigskip C*-96/P.3586 \hskip1truecm{\bf KUSTERMANS J.} \par Quasi-Discrete Quantum Groups are Almost Discrete \par Department of Mathematics - Katholieke Unviersiteit Leuven \par Celestijnenlaan 200B - B-3001 Heverlee (Belgium)\bigskip C*-96/P.3587 \hskip1truecm{\bf QUAEGEBEUR J., VERDING J. } \par Left Invariant Weights and the Left Regular Corepresentation for \par Locally Compact Quantum Semi-Groups \par Department of Mathematics - Katholieke Universiteit Leuven \par Celestijnenlaan 200B - B-3001 Heverlee (Belgium) \par E-MAIL : Jan.Verding@wis.kuleuven.ac\bigskip C*-96/P.3588 \hskip1truecm{\bf QUAEGEBEUR J., VERDING J.} \par A Construction for Weights on C*-Algebras. Dual Weights for C*- \par Crossed products \par Department of Mathematics - Katholieke Universiteit Leuven \par Celestijnenlaan 200B - B-3001 Heverlee (Belgium) \par E-MAIL : Jan.Verding@wis.kuleuven.ac\bigskip C*-96/P.3589 \hskip1truecm{\bf SYMANSKI W., ZHANG S.} \par Type $II_\infty$ Factors Generated by Purely Infinite Simple C*-Algebras \par Associated with Free Groups \par Departement of Mathematical Sciences - Univ. Cincinnati \par Cincinnati OH 45221-0025 (USA) \par E-MAIL : szhang@ucbeh.san.uc.edu\bigskip C*-96/P.3590 \hskip1truecm{\bf ZHANG S.} \par C*-Algebras Generated by a Projection and the Reduced Group C*- \par Algebras $C*_\rho Z * Z_n$ and $C*_\rho Z_m * Z_n R$ \par Departement of Mathematical Sciences - Univ. Cincinnati \par Cincinnati OH 45221-0025 (USA) \par E-MAIL : szhang@ucbeh.san.uc.edu\bigskip C*-96/P.3591 \hskip1truecm{\bf EDWARDS C.M., R\"UTTIMANN G.T.} \par Compact Tripotents in Bi-Dual JB*-Triples \par The Queen's College - Oxford (U.K.)\bigskip C*-96/P.3592 \hskip1truecm{\bf EDWARDS C.M., R\"UTTIMANN G.T.} \par Peirce Inner Ideals in Jordan*-Triples \par The Queen's College - Oxford (U.K.)\bigskip C*-96/P.3593 \hskip1truecm{\bf EDWARDS C.M., R\"UTTIMANN G.T.} \par Smoothness Properties of the Unit Ball in a JB*-Triple \par The Queen's College - Oxford (U.K.)\bigskip C*-96/P.3594 \hskip1truecm{\bf EDWARDS C.M., McCRIMMON K., \par \hskip3,7truecm R\"UTTIMANN G.T.} \par The Range of a Structural Projection \par The Queen's College - Oxford (U.K.)\bigskip C*-96/P.3595 \hskip1truecm{\bf R\"UTTIMANN G.T., \par \hskip3,7truecm MAITLAND WRIGHT J.D.} \par Kalmbach Outer Measures and Valuations \par The Queen's College - Oxford (U.K.)\bigskip C*-96/P.3596 \hskip1truecm{\bf JORGENSEN P.E.T.} \par A Duality for Endormorphisms of von Neumann Algebras \par Department of Mathematics - Univ. Iowa - Iowa City IA 52242 (USA) \par E-MAIL : jorgen@math.uiowa.edu\bigskip C*-96/P.3597 \hskip1truecm{\bf BLECHER D.P., MUHLY P.S., \par \hskip3,7truecm PAULSEN V.I.} \par Categories of Operator Modules (Morita Equivalence and \par Projective Modules) \par Department of Mathematics - Univ. Houston \par Houston TX 77204-3476 (USA) \par E-MAIL : dblecher@math.uh.edu, muhly@oak.math.uiowa.edu \par\hskip1,9truecm vern@math.uh.edu\bigskip C*-96/P.3598 \hskip1truecm{\bf CONTI R., PINZARI C.} \par Remarks on the Index of Endomorphisms of Cuntz Algebras \par Dipartimento di Matematica - Univ. Roma "Tor Vergata" \par I-00133 Roma (Italy)\bigskip C*-96/P.3599 \hskip1truecm{\bf VALETTE A.} \par An Application of Ramanujan Graphs to C*-Algebra Tensor Products \par Institut de Math\'ematiques - Univ. Neuch\^atel - \par Rue Emile-Argand 11 - CH-2000 Neuch\^atel (Suisse) \par E-MAIL : valette@maths.unine.ch\bigskip C*-96/P.3600 \hskip1truecm{\bf GUIDO D., LONGO R.} \par The Conformal Spin and Statistics Theorem \par Dipartimento di Matematica - Univ. Roma "Tor Vergata" \par I-00133 Roma (Italy) \par E-MAIL : guido@mat.utovrm.it \par\hskip1,9truecm longo@mat.utovrm.it \bigskip \end{document}