This concerns a possible satellite conference on Operator Algebras we want to try and organise in Chennai just before ICM 2010 (slated for Hyderabad). The reason this is sent so far in advance is that we hope you will (a) mark the period July/August 2010 down in your calendar, and reserve it for South India, and (b) if there is a reasonable probability of your making it here then, inform us as such - since this information will help us in planning and in suitably impressing the funding agencies we will need to approach later with our proposal.
The exact topics (in operator algebras) covered at our conference will be dictated by the people who agree to come, and to a lesser extent by the fact that the interests of people in these parts lie mostly in subfactors, non-commutative geometry and non-commutative dynamics.
You might like to see our institute home-page ( for various other points of possible interest.
The Banach Journal of Mathematical Analysis (BJMA) is an international and peer-reviewed electronic journal presenting papers on functional analysis and its Applications. The journal focuses on (but is not limited to) Hilbert spaces, normed spaces, normed algebras, C*-algebras and von Neumann algebras, normed modules, linear operators, operator algebras, topological algebras, operator spaces, matrix analysis, normed aspects of functional equations, stability of functional equations, approximation theory, norm and operator inequalities, homology of Banach algebras, harmonic analysis, Fourier analysis, spectral theory, non-commutative geometry, and significant applications. The journal is composed of original research and survey articles. BJMA is indexed or reviewed by Zentralblatt für Mathematik, MathSciNet, Directory of Open Access Journals and Ulrich's Periodicals Directory.
Paper submission information:
M. S. Moslehian, Editor-in-chief
and the announcement by CUP in
Last significant change: 21 Jan. 1999. (Addition and deletion of individual announcements is not considered "significant".)