Locations range from on the University of Oregon campus through
things that are a two to three hour drive from Eugene.
A few are a long way from the road, and a few require a longer
The pictures are in semirandom order.
(When two were taken on the same day, they are next to each other.)
The selection is biased: it is places I have been not too long ago.
The waterfalls, coast, and mountain pictures are at least
roughly representative.
We have a lot more waterfalls.
There is nothing of cities as such, and there are no covered bridges
(we have quite a few, but they are hard to take good pictures of).
There is also nothing east of the Cascades: in particular,
Smith Rock State Park, John Day Fossil Beds National Monument,
and Newberry Crater National Monument are all missing.
(All these are at least a three hour drive from Eugene.)
All distances are approximate, especially for the walking parts
(many of which are from memory).
All pictures are reduced in size, some from files with enough
resolution to make posters out of.
All pictures copyright N. C. Phillips.
Koosah Falls.
About 75 miles from the University of Oregon; then walk about a
mile, about 200 feet elevation loss.
(Sahalie Falls is much closer to the parking lot, but my
pictures of it are not as good.)
North and Middle Sisters from near McKenzie Pass.
About 80 miles from the University of Oregon; on the road.
North and Middle Sisters relected in Scott Lake.
About 75 miles from the University of Oregon;
on the road.
(The road wasn't plowed, and I walked about two miles in 6 inches
of snow, flat.)
Japanese maple tree in Eugene.
About 4 miles from the University of Oregon; on the road.
(The fall color season in Eugene is very long, because people
have planted a great variety of nonnative trees.)
Lower Kentucky Falls.
About 60 miles from the University of Oregon;
then walk about 3 miles, about 800 feet elevation loss.
Ferns growing on a tree branch.
On the University of Oregon campus.
On the University of Oregon campus.
Wildflowers at Cone Peak Meadows.
About 80 miles from the University of Oregon;
then walk about 2 miles, about 1000 feet elevation gain.
Wildflowers near Cone Peak Meadows.
About 80 miles from the University of Oregon;
then walk about 3 miles, about 1000 feet elevation gain.
South Sister reflected in Moraine Lake.
About 150 miles from the University of Oregon;
then walk about 2 miles, about 1600 feet elevation gain followed by
400 feet elevation loss.
Redwood trees, at Prairie Creek Redwoods State Park.
About 250 miles from the University of Oregon;
then walk about 2 miles, about 200 feet elevation gain.
Boardman State Scenic Corridor.
About 200 miles from the University of Oregon;
essentially on the road.
Boardman State Scenic Corridor.
About 200 miles from the University of Oregon;
then walk about 1/4 mile, flat.
Upper Proxy Falls.
About 70 miles from the University of Oregon;
then walk about 1 mile, essentially flat.
Maple tree in the fall.
On the University of Oregon campus.
The Three Sisters from Spencer Butte.
About 5 miles from the University of Oregon;
then walk about 1.5 miles, about 700 feet elevation gain.
Fog among the hills, from Spencer Butte.
About 5 miles from the University of Oregon;
then walk about 1.5 miles, about 700 feet elevation gain.
Crater Lake.
About 120 miles from the University of Oregon;
then walk about 1/2 mile, about 100 feet elevation gain.
(There are many equally good viewpoints right on the road.)
Salt Creek Falls.
About 60 miles from the University of Oregon;
then walk about 1/2 mile, about 150 feet elevation loss.
Yaquina Head Outstanding Natural Area.
About 110 miles from the University of Oregon;
on the road.
Seal Rock State Recreation Site.
About 100 miles from the University of Oregon;
on the road.
Spouting Horn, at Cape Perpetua.
About 90 miles from the University of Oregon;
then walk about 1/4 mile, about 100 feet elevation loss.
Devils Elbow State Park.
About 70 miles from the University of Oregon;
on the road.
Douglas fir trees on the trail from Alsea Falls to Green Peak Falls.
About 80 miles from the University of Oregon;
then walk about 1 mile, about 100 feet elevation loss.
(There are many trees like this in Eugene,
even on the University of Oregon campus.)
North and Middle Sisters reflected in Arrowhead Lake.
About 75 miles from the University of Oregon;
then walk about 7 miles, about 2000 feet elevation gain.
The last part is on an unofficial and unmarked trail.
Tokatee Falls.
About 130 miles from the University of Oregon;
then walk about 1 mile, about 100 feet elevation loss.
South Falls, Silver Falls State Park, taken from where the
trail goes behind the waterfall.
About 90 miles from the University of Oregon;
then walk about 1/2 mile, about 100 feet elevation loss.
(This is on the Trail of Ten Falls, altogether about 10 miles
and 1000 feet elevation loss, but South Falls is right below
the parking lot at one end of the trail.)
South Falls, Silver Falls State Park.
About 90 miles from the University of Oregon;
then walk about 1/2 mile, about 100 feet elevation loss.
Spencer Butte trail.
About 5 miles from the University of Oregon;
then walk about 1.5 miles, about 700 feet elevation gain.
(There are many trees like this in Eugene, even on the University
of Oregon campus.)