Nathaniel Teich

Professor of English

College of Arts and Sciences

(541) 346-3982

Office: 443 PLC

Specializations: Romanticism, composition and rhetoric, literary criticism, continuing education for teachers

Education: PhD, 1970, California-Riverside, English Literature; MA, 1962, Columbia, English & Comparative Literature; BS, 1960, Carnegie Mellon; Graphic Arts, Management.

My literary specialization is British Literature from the late 18th to the early 19th centuries, which I approach historically as the rise of the romantic movement. I seek to examine changes in ideas about art, the role of the artist, and social issues involving such matters as gender and values. In addition, I seek to connect these issues to our contemporary views. My specialization in rhetoric and composition includes teaching and research for writing instruction and continuing education of teachers. I have completed quantitative studies of gendered traits in adult writing. Currently I focus on the theoretical and practical applications of psychologist Carl Rogers' work in the field of communication, for example the uses of empathy. For writing courses in this area, I teach a 400/500 level Advanced Composition elective open to all majors.

Selected publications: Rogerian Perspectives: Collaborative Rhetoric for Oral and Written Communication, ed., 1992; "Teaching empathy through collaborative learning." "Feminist perspectives on gender: Byron's 'Corsair' period." "Rogerian problem solving and the rhetoric of argumentation," "Rhetoric of Empathy."

Selected Professional Activities: Director, Oregon Writing Project, since 1977; Grants to support Oregon Writing Project from federal, state, and private foundations, since 1997. Director of Composition, 1974-77. Consultant & Reader for SAT, CBEST, National Teachers' Exam.

Courses Frequently Taught: World Literature, ENG 107, 108, 109; English Romantic Writers, ENG 454/554, 455/555; Advanced Composition, WR 423/523. I have developed a course, ENG 451/551, offered in alternate years, on the rise of the gothic genre: The Origins of Horror, from the 18th through the 19th centuries.