Classical Association of the Pacific Northwest

Business Meeting, March 22, 2003

1. The meeting was convened at the University Club, University of Calgary, at 1.20 p.m. Those present were Laurel Bowman, Catherine Connors, Martin Cropp (President), Walter Englert, Andrew Goldman, Fred Lauritsen, Nigel Nicholson, Lorina Quartarone, Catherine Roth, and James Russell.

2. Minutes of the 2002 Business Meeting at the University of Oregon, as recorded in the Fall 2002 CAPN Bulletin, were unanimously approved.

3. National Committee for Latin and Greek
A motion (Lauritsen/Englert) to approve renewal of the CAPN’s annual $165.00 contribution to the NCLG was approved unanimously. In further discussion it was noted that a shortage of new Latin teachers in the schools was currently threatening the continuation of some school Latin programs, and that university departments should be active in addressing this urgent need and encouraging students to consider careers in Latin teaching. This topic had been featured at the Jan. 2003 APA meeting in New Orleans.

4. Treasurer's report
A written report was received from the Treasurer. The CAPN is solvent, but printing and mailing expenses for the bulletin have been high. The University of Oregon has provided a work-study student to help put the bulletin together and stuff envelopes, but cannot afford to subsidize printing and mailing costs.  Costs could be cut by using a less expensive format for the bulletin, by deleting from the mailing list the substantial number of members in arrears with dues, or by increasing dues.
    In discussion the consensus was that, while an increase in dues would not be unreasonable, electronic communication through a combination of e-mail and website could go a long way towards limiting costs. Most members would probably be happy to receive and access most, if not all, CAPN information in this way.

5. Scholarship Committee
No report was available.

6. Schedule of Meetings and new Officers
The University of Washington’s invitation to host a CAPN meeting in Seattle on April 2-3, 2004, was enthusiastically accepted. For 2005 it was noted that the CACW would meet in Victoria, and that this could become a joint CACW/CAPN meeting. This idea was strongly favored by those present, and Laurel Bowman (U. Victoria) undertook to plan accordingly. Members from Reed College expressed their willingness to host the 2006 meeting.
Officers for 2003–04 were confirmed as follows: Joint Presidents, Alain Gowing and Catherine Connors (U. Washington); Vice President, Laurel Bowman (U. Victoria); Secretary/Treasurer (continuing), Mary Jaeger (U. Oregon); Bulletin Editor (continuing), Malcolm Wilson (U. Oregon).

7. New Business
A brief discussion of strategies for the CAPN yielded the following points:
(1) A gathering of CAPN-area scholars at APA meetings would be valuable. Next year’s APA meeting in San Francisco would make an excellent starting-point, and Andrew Goldman undertook to invetsigate possibilities.
(2) Coordination between CAPN and CACW could usefully be developed, and exchanges of inform-ation and strategies for teaching, outreach etc. could be featured in the programs of annual meetings.
(3) Next year’s CAPN meeting in Seattle should be advertised to CACW as well as CAPN members. Martin Cropp undertook to act as intermediary for this.

8. Thanks were expressed to Martin Cropp, his colleagues, and the Classical Association of the Canadian West for organizing and hosting the 2003 conference.

9. The meeting was adjourned at 2.10