University of Calgary

Barry Baldwin has published The Latin and Greek Poems of Samuel Johnson (Duckworth). Martin Cropp has a Killam fellowship for the Autumn term. He is working on Iphigenia in Tauris for Aris & Phillips. Michael Dewar's edition, translation and commentary on Claudii Claudiani Panegyricus De Sexto Consulatu Honori Augusti will be published by Oxford in 1996. He is also contributing an article on Statius and Venantius Fortunatus to an epicedion for the 1900th anniversary of the death of Statius (ed. by Fernand Delarue, Poitiers). We are happy to keep Bill Hutton - and Martha Jones - for a fourth year. Bill is continuing to develop computer-assisted instruction software for language classes. Mary Walbank will hold a senior fellowship in the Humanities Institute during the Winter semester; she will be working on the coinage of Roman Corinth and on ancient coins in the Nickle collection. Haijo Westra's The Berlin Commentary on Martianus Capella, Bk. I was published by Brill in 1994. Bk. II is in progress. Haijo will present "Die philologie nouvelle und die Herausgabe von lateinischen Texten des Mittelalter's" at the University of Bonn in October. Last summer he led a seminar on Martianus Capella for the University of Groningen. We are sorry to say goodbye to Rob Cousland (honourable mention in the last round of U of C teaching awards), but our loss is UBC's gain. The Calgary Society for Mediterranean Studies programme will take its eager members to Greece, Syria, Malta, Albania--and metallurgy. The October 28th colloquium is on "Roman Homes and Gardens."

Reed College

Enrollments remain healthy in both languages at all levels. Seven seniors are writing senior theses in Classics this year. Last year three of our juniors studied for a semester at the Intercollegiate Center for Classical Studies in Rome, and another is applying to spend Spring, 1996 there. Richard Tron is on sabbatical this Fall, but will be back teaching Latin and Greek courses in the Spring. Walter Englert is back from a summer in Rome, where he participated in an NEH Seminar on "Death, Commemoration, and Society in Ancient Rome" directed by Richard Saller (Chicago) and John Bodel (Rutgers). He worked on a paper dealing with Cicero's conceptions of death and consolatio. He also was the coordinator of the seventh annual Reed Latin Forum for Oregon high school Latin teachers and students in November, 1994. David Silverman presented a paper on divorce in Athenian law at the University of Oregon in February, 1995, another paper on the structure of the Athenian tax code at the CAPN meeting in March, 1995, and will speak on the reforms of the Athenian tax code at the APA convention in December, 1995. He has a review of a new book on Alexander the Great which will appear shortly in the Bryn Mawr Classical Review, and has been active at Reed College in the development of electronic resources for pedagogical and research purposes. Nigel Nicholson joins the department from Wellesley College, where he taught in 1994-1995. He has recently published "Victory without Defeat? Carnival Laughter and its Appropriation in Pindar's Victory Odes," in Carnivalizing Difference: Bakhtin and the Other (Chur, Switzerland: Harwood Academic Press), edd. P. A. Miller, C. Platter, et al., and delivered a paper ("Nemean 4.57-8: Ambiguity, Parallel Narratives and the Representation of Character in Pindar's Odes") at the 1994 APA Convention in Atlanta. Bruce King comes to Reed from the University of Chicago, where he was managing editor of Classical Philology and finishing his dissertation, The End of Adventure: On the Future of the Iliadic Hero. He will be giving a paper at the 1995 APA Convention in San Diego entitled "The Heroized and Humanized Monster in Stesichorus' Geryoneis."

Eastern Washington University

Very little new is happening at EWU. We are building a $20 million+ addition on to the library and the publicity touts the wonders of space and machines but nothing about books. Fred Lauritsen was one of 25 participants to attend an NEH Institute at Brown U. last summer. The Institute was called "The Image and Reality of Women in Ancient Near Eastern Societies."

Boise State University

Graduates of the BSU History and Classical Languages program have been busy with study, travel and teaching this past year. Jody Mabe, former CAPN Scholarship recipient and Latin teacher at Boise and Borah High Schools, received a grant to study in the south of France this past summer in an NEH Summer Seminar on "Petrarch and Provence." Kevin Cole and Thomas Talboy, who are currently completing MA degrees in Ancient History and Latin Literature at BSU, received CAPN scholarships to participate in the three week tour/seminar to Italy and Turkey led and guided by BSU Professor Charles Odahl this past summer. The Meridian School District west of Boise has opened a new High School this year--Eagle High School, and Kevin Cole is a finalist for the teaching position there in Latin. Thomas Talboy is teaching first year Greek as an Adjunct Instructor this year at BSU. Marilyn Kennings, a former CAPN Scholarship recipient and now a Latin teacher at Centennial High School in Meridian, also participated in the BSU summer tour/seminar, and has begun study this fall for an MA in Ancient and Medieval History at BSU. Some twenty BSU students and Boise community members went abroad with Dr. Odahl to study the transformation of the Roman world from paganism to Christianity in the 1995 BSU Classical and Christian Study Tour on "Ancient Capitals and Sacred Sites in Italy and Turkey."

Charles Odahl, Professor of Ancient History and Director of Classical Languages at BSU, has the cover article on "The Christian Basilicas of Constantinian Rome," in The Ancient World, Vol. XXVI, 1 (1995), pp. 3-28, and the lead article on "God and Constantine: Divine Sanction for Imperial Rule in the First Christian Emperor's Early Letters and Art," in The Catholic Historical Review, Vol. LXXXI, 3 (1995), pp. 327-352, in circulation this fall. His book reviews on T. D. Barnes' From Eusebius to Augustine and M. Grant's Constantine the Great are in the summer and fall issues of the CHR; his review of S. Drummond and L. Nelson's The Western Frontiers of Imperial Rome is in the summer issue of The Historian; and his review of J. Pelikan's Christianity and Classical Culture will be in the winter issue of The Ancient World. He has been asked by the Wethersfield Institute for Catholic and Cultural Studies in New York City to participate in the "Two Millennia of Christianity" project. Fifty scholars of Christian Church history have been selected to make public presentations and write chapters on the history of Catholicism from the Apostolic period to modern times over the next five years. The year 1995 is dedicated to the Apostolic/Patristic Periods, and ten presentations related to the first five centuries of Church history are being made in New York through the year. Dr. Odahl's presentation on "Constantine and the Christian Basilicas of 4th Century Rome" is scheduled for October 18th; he has also been invited to speak on Constantinian topics as the guest of the Classics Department and Religious Studies Program at the State University of New York in Albany this fall.

The University of British Columbia

During the spring term of 1995, the departments of Classics and of Religious Studies merged to form a single department with two divisions, with the programs of each division remaining separate. The department head is Anthony Barrett, head of the former Classics Department. One result of the merger is that the new combined department has made three appointments, one in the Classics program, a second in the Religious Studies program, and a third whose duties are spread between both divisions. The Classics appointee is Carl Johnson, an alumnus of the University of British Columbia, who has recently completed his PhD at the University of Toronto with a dissertation on Ptolemaic Egypt. The joint appointment is R. Cousland, another Canadian scholar, and the Religious Studies appointment is D. Arbel, who hails from Israel. These three new appointments have added greatly to the strength of the department. Anthony Barrett's book, Agrippina, the Mother of Nero is now in the process of publication, and should appear early next year. The publisher is Batsford in London. Professor Barrett also led a group of students this summer to England to excavate for another season at the Romano-British site of 'The Lunt' in Warwickshire. J. A. (Allan) S. Evans' book, The Age of Justinian: The Circumstances of Imperial Power is in the process of being printed, and is scheduled to appear in March, 1996. The cost will be about 39 pounds, and the publisher is Routledge, 11 New Fetter Lane, London. Allan Evans will also give up the co-editorship of Studies in Medieval and Renaissance History this year. Volume XV of this series is currently in press and will appear soon. Evans has been first editor, and then co-editor of this series since 1977. At this point, we expect that the series will continue under the editorship of two faculty members at the University of Victoria. The publisher is AMS Press, New York. The Times Literary Supplement for Nov. 25, 1994, devoted nine pages to a 'Learned Journals' section, and the history journal selected for review was Studies in Medieval and Renaissance History. The reviewer, David Abulafia of Oxford, wrote that Studies in Medieval and Renaissance History 'is enviably international in authorship.' Allan Evans addressed the British Columbia chapter of the Royal Society of Canada on 'The Legacy of Edward Gibbon' in the fall of 1994 and in the spring of 1995, addressed the Third International Congress on the Classical Tradition at Boston University on 'Edward Gibbon and the Invention of Orientalism'. Evans was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society in 1992. Elizabeth Bongie, professor emeritus in the department of Classics, has just published a translation in the Peregrina Translation Series, which is produced by the Peregrina Publishing Co. of Toronto. The title is The Life of Blessed Syncletica, a fifth-century Greek text preserved among the writings of Athanasius of Alexandria and incorrectly attributed to him. Some brief extracts from the Life were included in The Sayings of the Desert Fathers, and it was through translations of The Sayings that the name of Syncletica and her reputation as a model and teacher of female anchoretic practice and spirituality have become known. Professor Bongie's translation is the first English translation as a separate book.

Thanks to generous grants from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, UBC's two archaeological projects in Greece continued from June to August this last summer. Directed since 1982 by Prof. Hector Williams, survey and excavation work at Stymphalos in Arcadia, and Mytilene on Lesbos have uncovered much new information about two important but neglected sites. At Stymphalos, this year's dig uncovered a late classical sanctuary, possibly to Athena Polias, and recovered major elements of an archaic kore in a destroyed temple. Prof. Williams' team also found parts of an entire city block and two adjacent streets in the S-E area of the city, where geophysical survey in earlier seasons had revealed the grid-plan of the ancient town. Work continued on the city walls too, revealing what may be one of the earliest artillery towers in Greece. A total of 53 faculty, professional staff, graduate students and undergraduate volunteers took part. At Mytilene, a staff of ten continued preparations for publication of our six major seasons of excavation in a sanctuary of Demeter, a medieval church and a Turkish village complex on the acropolis of the ancient city, and at a multi-period site near the North Harbour. Carol Brynolfson and Kathi Sherwood made progress with the more than 2000 terracotta figurines found in the excavations: both presented papers at various conferences. Jenny Price and Sally Cottam also have nearly completed their study of the Hellenistic and Roman glass from the Demeter Sanctuary, the first such study done in the N-E Aegean.

In Vancouver, Hector Williams and several graduate students continued the series of introductory 'hands-on' classes for high-school students taking Grade XII Western Civilization courses. Over 100 students too the three-hour course at UBC's Museum of Anthropology. This year the program has been expanded to include retired people at Elder College.

University of Montana

Enrollments remain healthy in all Classics section offerings. Linda Gillison's Latin 211 has sixteen students this term, all working hard on De Amicitia, and several of them veterans of last spring's Italy Study Program.

Last year's inaugural of the U. of Montana "See Rome and Die" study program was a roaring success, with James Scott of Classics and Phil Fandozzi, a colleague from Liberal Studies, leading a group of 36--count 'em!--undergraduates through nine weeks in Italy. John Madden joined the group for two weeks in Italy and put the students through their on-site paces. Linda Rutland Gillison will direct the program for 1996 and is in the planning and publicizing stage of that process. Like last year, in 1996 the group will spend most of its time in Rome but will travel briefly in the south and the north. The program is suitable for all undergraduates and last year's group was a varied bunch--majors in English, Classics, Latin, Biology, History, Finance, and more. The program is a real study experience, with students earning 15 academic credits for five weeks of orientation seminar and nine weeks' work in Italy. The curriculum for '96 will include John Madden's Art History class and Linda Gillison's Roman History class. This year we plan to take a much smaller group and expect that all participants, after the grueling orientation and nine weeks in country, will have learned a lot about our heritage from those old Romans and the various adaptations of it which have flowered in Italy in subsequent centuries.

This autumn, UM enjoyed a visit from old friends, Paul and Naomi Pascal. While Naomi began a vacation from UW Press, the Missoula campus took full advantage of Paul's expertise. He gave a slide lecture on "The Fortification Walls of Ancient Rome," to which we invited Latin students from several local high schools along with UM students. After working through the "Confession of the Archpoet" with a collection of 30 budding Latinists and guests in the afternoon, Paul presented a public lecture on the "Dies Irae in the Western Musical Tradition" in the evening, with 65 people of varied interests in the audience. Paul's offerings were so diversely attractive that his visit was sponsored jointly by The Davidson Honors College, the Department of Foreign Languages/Classics, the Department of Music, the Chalice of Repose Project, and the Religious Studies Program. It was a chance for those of us on campus whose interests intersect all too rarely to get together for fun and profit. A couple of authors whose books Naomi has edited at UW Press are here in Missoula, so there was a lot of material for conversation. We had a terrific time!!

The Classics section has proposed to the Faculty Senate a new emphasis/major within the Classics major, the major in Classical Civilization. We anticipate that the new offering will appear in the 1996-7 catalog. Though such a major has been available in many universities for years, until now the Montana student had to choose either a Latin major or a Classics major, the latter demanding heavy commitment to both Classical languages. The new emphasis will allow students who want to study in the area of Classics but feel they cannot commit so much time to language study to arrange courses in a new way, focusing on Greece and Rome through history, philosophy, religious studies, art history, women's studies, and so on. There will also be a minor in Classical Civilization. We confess, off the record, of course, that by offering this option we hope to attract some new students who will taste Greek and Latin and come to share our addiction!

UM looks forward to hosting the CAPN meeting on March 29-30, 1996. Jim Scott is making the plans for the meeting and we encourage all of you to attend. The weather should be pleasant, as some of you will remember from the last CAPN gathering here, back in 1979.

Washington State University

Kathryn E. Meyer and Mary Ann Eng gave a multi-media presentation on "Blacks in Antiquity" to the World Civilizations faculty in April, 1995. Kathy is continuing as a non-tenured member of the History Department teaching Western and World Civilizations courses as well as occasional honors and seminar classes on Roman history.

Burma P. Williams and Richard S. Williams have had an article "Finger Numbers in the Greco-Roman World and the Early Middle Ages," accepted for publication by Isis, the Journal of the History of Science Society. It will appear in the December, 1995 issue. Rick will be on sabbatical in the spring semester to continue work on A. Gabinius.

University of Oregon

Lowell Bowditch has received a grant from the University of Oregon's Humanities Center. She will spend this spring in residence at the center doing research on Horace and Augustan patronage. Jeff Hurwitt taught in the NICSA program in Siena last spring. His article "Beautiful Evil: Pandora and the Athena Parthenos" has recently appeared in the American Journal of Archaeology and his essay, "The Doryphoros: Looking Backward," is included in the recently published collection, Polykleitos, the Doryphoros and Tradition, edited by W. Moon (Madison 1995). Mary Jaeger's article, "Reconstructing Rome: The Campus Martius and Horace, Ode 1.8," has just come out in the Arethusa issue devoted to Horace (spring/fall '95). Steven Lowenstam is the Northwest Professor for the NICSA program in London this fall. His article "The Sources of the Odyssey Landscapes is forthcoming this spring in Echos du Monde Classique. C. Bennett Pascal's essay on Tibullus, "Rura Cano," has recently appeared in Collection Latomus. Steven Shankman received a $10,000 teaching award from the Rippey Fund in order to enhance undergraduate teaching. Steve used this grant to develop an introductory World Literature course comparing the literature of ancient Greece and ancient China. As part of his research, he also traveled to China this past summer. Malcolm Wilson gave a talk on "Speusippus on Knowledge and Division" at the International Conference on Aristotle's Biology in Homburg, Germany this past summer. His talk will be published in the proceedings volume.

University of Puget Sound

Bill Barry spent spring semester in Rome, working at the American Academy on a book on Roman popular violence. Of late, he has developed a keen interest in statue-smashing and corpse mutilation.

Ili Nagy finished her first summer as director of the Classical Summer School of the American Academy in Rome. She had twenty three dedicated students including twelve teachers. The program was a success thanks to many devoted colleagues who contributed considerably by giving lectures and conducting site visits. She hopes to lure more students from the northwest for next summer's course. Currently she is back to working on Etruscan mirrors and has assumed the unenviable position as chair of the art department.

University of Washington

There has been much activity in the Department this year. Michael Halleran's commentary on the Hippolytus is being published by Aris & Phillips and will be out later this fall. Larry Bliquez currently serves as Vice-president of the Society for Ancient Medicine; he has also been elected to serve a four-year term on the College Council, which oversees tenure and promotion cases and advises the Dean on policy matters. Dan Harmon, in addition to being co-director of the UW's Rome Center, is working on a translation of Filippo Coarelli's well-known archaeological guide to Rome. Working with him on that project is Jim Clauss, who delivered a paper on "Hannibal in Catiline: The Opening of the Third Decade of Livy's Ab Urbe Condita" at last April's CAMWS meeting. Over the spring break he organized and led a whirlwind ten-day study trip to Rome for ten students from the UW Office of Minority Affairs. Alain Gowing arrived in Rome on the final day of Jim's trip to conduct the Department's 9th annual Classical Seminar in Rome. He had several pleasant rendezvous with CAPN members Jim Scott (UofM) and Bill Barry (UPS). This summer he taught an NEH Summer Seminar for School Teachers on "Cicero's Philosophical Works and the Crisis of the Roman Republic." Mary Whitlock Blundell traveled to Reed College to deliver a paper on "Plato: an Equal-Opportunity Paternalist" in connection with the celebration of the 50th anniversary of Reed's Humanities program. She will pursue her work on character in Plato during a leave this spring. Stephen Hinds returns to the fray after a productive, year-long leave as an NEH fellow. In the course of the year he delivered papers at Iowa, Florida State University, Bristol, Oxford and Keele on the topic of his most recent project, a book on intertextuality in Roman poetry. Merle Langdon was also on leave this past fall to conduct field work in Attica. While in Athens, he participated in a conference on H. G. Lolling sponsored by the German Archaeological Institute, delivering a paper entitled "Lolling's Topographical Work on Salamis." Sheila Colwell continues work on a book on Pindar and the Psalms while on leave this year as an honorary Associate of the Department of Greek, Roman and Egyptian Studies at Monash University (Australia). In addition to serving as CAPN's Secretary-Treasurer, Catherine Connors helped organize a panel at last March's meeting in Banff on Mapping Empire: Roman Geographies of Conquest; her own contribution to the topic was a paper on "Lucan's Nile: A Geography of the Unknown." She was also invited to Wesleyan University where she gave a talk on "Recognitions of Odysseus and Other Blasts from the Past in Petronius' Satyricon." Pierre MacKay's translation of the "The City of Boudonitza," from the Seyahatname of Evliya Çelebi, is now included in the Norton Anthology of World Masterpieces. Tugboat has published his piece on "A Typesetter's Toolkit", in which he explores the history -- and future -- of Greek fonts and typesetting.

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