Exams Topics B, REL 303 Japanese Religions
Dogen - You should know what the following are:
- Soto Sect
- Sitting-only
- Dropping off body-mind
- Practice as awakening
Barbara Ruch, "The Other Side of Culture in Medieval Japan"
- Who was Zen master Mugai?
- Why does Ruch believe that Mugai is important for
understanding the life of women in medieval Japan?
- What was Dogen's view of women's religious abilities in
- In terms of gender, how was Dogen's monastic practice at his
mountain temple of Eiheiji structured? (from lecture)
- Tannisho: What is the difference between the first ten
sections and the last eight sections?
- Tannisho: What place does this work have in relation to
Shinran's own writings? (See Mark Unno, "The Nembutsu of
- The central practice in the Shin school of Pure Land Buddhism
is saying the Name, Namu Amida Butsu. What does Namu refer to, and
what does Amida Butsu signify?
- What is the relationship between "foolish being" and "Amida
- Who was Honen?
Myoe Koben
- What was Myoe's view of the relation between his waking life
and his dream life on the theme of sexuality?
- What was the relation between Sakyamuni Buddha, the Kasuga
Deity, and the Woman of Yuasa who was the medium of the Kasuga
The Way of Tea
- What are the religious influences on Rikyu's Way of Tea, both
Asian and Western?
- What are the four main philosophical principles of Rikyu's Way
of Tea?
Shunryu Suzuki
- Beginner's Mind and Expert's Mind - what is the relationship
between the two?
- Big Mind and Little Mind - what is the relationship between
the two?
- What sect of Zen Buddhism does Suzuki belong to?
Natalie Goldberg, A Long Quiet Highway
- Katagiri Roshi, Goldberg's master, makes her choose between
two things. What are they?
- Writing is about words; zen meditation emphasizes letting go
of attachment to words. How are the two alike for Goldberg?