Maura "Soshin" O'Halloran, Pure
Heart, Enlightened Mind
A Zen Buddhist Love Story about Death
1. The Story of the Book, Pure Heart,
Enlightened Mind
2. Background of Zen Buddhism
Mahayana Buddhism:
truth of form and emptiness
Bodhisattvas and Buddhas
3. Zen Buddhism
Meditation School of
"mind-to-mind transmission"
Two major schools in Japan:
Rinzai - koan practice; Soto - shikan taza -
"sitting-only" founded by Zen Master Dogen
Maura's master's school:
Combination of the two
4. Two kinds of love: a) Human love, b) Awakened love - compassion
- without attachment
5. Two kinds of death: a) Physical death, b) Spiritual death, the
"Great Death"
6. Religion of "Gods and Buddhas" - Zen Master "Go" or Go Roshi
7. Turning points:
A. Maura awakening to the
reality of life in a Zen monastery
B. Initial breakthrough with
the practice of the koan Mu. -
I understood why we must take care of things just because they
C. Climactic confrontation
with self over the prospect of having to marry the old monk
D. Encounter with lay woman
E. Death and Eulogy
8. Ten Oxherding Pictures
9. Sekida, Zen Training: Pure Experience and nen-theory
Nen: thought-instant
First thought-instant,
second thought-instant, third thought-instant (ex.: "hurt"; "I'm
hurt"; "I'm aware I'm hurt")
first-nen or thought-instant is samadhi; absolute
samadhi is to be unconditionally present in the oneness of
Pure first-nen is immediate
experience; it is a kind of pure experience.