
Lakes are standing bodies of water.

Consequently, the sedimentary deposits near their centers tend to be very fine-grained (how does sediment get out there anyway?). The sediment will coarsen towards the lake edges, depending on the nature of the sediment coming into the lake, be it from a river or nearby cliffs. If it's from a river, then one would expect to see a delta forming at the river mouth. If there are adjacent cliffs, then the shoreline by the cliffs will contain some very coarse sediment.

Owens Lake, California.  The pillars in the foreground and background consist of tufa, which is lake-precipitated calcium carbonate.

If a lake dries out, it's called a playa. As well as fine-grained deposits, playas typically contain evaporite minerals (ie Morton salt.)

Click here for a view of fine-grained lake deposits. 

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