Structural Geology
Geological Sciences 350, 2010

General Information

The Course: This course is concerned primarily with the deformation of the earth's crust recorded in the familiar geologic structures that we commonly encounter in the field. In addition to describing the geometry of those structures, we will gain some insights into how those structures form and why rocks behave the way that they do. Even though most of our time will be spent on the processes of structural geology, I will use examples of large-scale structures from western North America and try to place them in their tectonic framework.

Lectures: They form the core of the course. We will aim for a comprehensive survey of structural geology and treat some important concepts in great detail. It is important that you attend all lectures. Questions during lecture are ALWAYS encouraged.

Text: Davis, G.H., and Reynolds, 1996, Structural Geology of Rocks and Regions.

Exams 45% (midterm = 20%; Final = 25%)
Labs 40% (6 points each + 10 for Field Project)
homework 15%

Exams: There will be one midterm exam, based on material specifically covered in lecture, text readings, and, to a lesser degree, lab assignments. The final exam will be non-cumulative except for a small selection of well-defined topics. I will post examples of exam questions.

Labs: The lab is an essential part of the course as it provides the chance to work with the descriptive aspects of many structures, particularly their three dimensional geometries. Many labs emphasize study and interpretation of geologic maps, because maps offer the best alternative to studying structures in the field. Other labs, however, will focus on analysis of geometrical data and interpreting small-scale structures in rocks.
Mike Darin is your GTF. His office is in 305A Cascade.

Field Trips: We will conduct two field trips. The first, to Death Valley, CA, is optional and will take place from April 22 to April 27; the other is a required day trip to near Roseburg.

Prerequisites: Field Methods, Geol 318 is essential for Geology Majors.  Mineralogy and Petrology (Geol 331, 332) are also important.  Additionally, a working knowledge of trigonometry is essential, as is some familiarity with basic principles of mechanics. 

I hope you enjoy the course, and I welcome your comments and suggestions at any time.

Marli Miller:   millerm(at)
105 Volcanology
346-4410 Office Hours: Tuesdays: noon-1PM; Wednesdays: 10:30AM-11:30AM; Thursdays: 10AM to 11AM -- Or by appointment 

Link to Course Syllabus

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