View of Racetrack Playa from Ubehebe Peak.
Racetrack Playa occupies
the south end of Racetrack Valley at an elevation of just under 4000 feet.
Its surface consists of light-gray mud that when dry, is cracked into countless
small (5 cm to 10 cm wide) polygons. Numerous blocks of limestone lie near
its south end, each of which has a track indicating that it slid across
the surface. Although nobody has yet witnessed this phenomenon of "sliding
rocks", various studies call on strong winds with or without ice as
explanations. Most recently, Reid and others (1995) suggest that strong
winds caused movement of a gigantic ice raft. They found that the beginning
parts of tracks for widely separated rocks were nearly identical and reasoned
that the rocks were bound together by a sheet of ice. This ice sheet then
"floated" over the surface during high winds and caused the embedded
rocks to scrape tracks into the playa. As the ice sheet broke up, different
parts could moved in different directions. Consequently, the ending sections
of tracks tend to vary.