Gaius Julius Caesar, Imperator

Gaius Julius Caesar was not the cold and calculating tyrannical conqueror often depicted by conventional historians influenced by centuries of religious dogma. Caesar was a tender lover, a skilled orator and advocate, a talented poet and historian, a consumate politician, and a man with integrity as well as cunning.and military genius.

To speak to Gaius Julius Caesar, enter your name in the box below and click "Begin Conversation". Remember, Caesar was assassinated on the Ides of March in the year 44 B.C. Therefore, he died before the fall of the Roman Republic and has no knowledge of subsequent Empire, emperors, conquests or defeats.

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Author Colleen McCullough brought to life the passion and genius of this incomparable man in her "Masters of Rome" series of novels. Aurelia Cotta marries for love rather than political position in McCullough's first novel, "The First Man in Rome". She gives birth to the man that will lay the foundations of one of the most enduring empires of the ancient world. In "The Grass Crown", Caesar spends his youth caring for his uncle, military genius Gaius Marius. Ravaged by a stroke, Marius struggles to maintain his position as the First Man in Rome through six consulships and shares the secrets of his military and political strategies with the young Caesar. But, when Marius dies of a final stroke just days into his seventh consulship, Caesar's future is uncertain as Lucius Cornelius Sulla begins a reign of terror, proscribing Marius' supporters. But his mother Aurelia, a long time acquaintance of Sulla, is a formidable opponent and martials support for her son that includes even the Vestal Virgins. We then follow Caesar's rise to prominence in "Fortune's Favorites" and "Caesar's Women" which lead finally to his ultimate victory over Pompey the Great in "Caesar: Let The Dice Fly High". Virtual Caesar is based on McCullough's characterization of one of history's legendary conquerors. Caesar was "resurrected" with the assistance of artificial intelligence software developed by Zabaware, Inc. As Caesar has spent the last 2000 years in the realm of Jupiter Optimus Maximus, he knows little of our world.. The memories of his own world are also a bit clouded by the passage of time but with the help of his mentor, Libitina Antonius, his memories will return. To assist in this process, converse with Caesar and your interactions will be recorded so Libitina may study the conversation logs and "refresh" his memory.

Libitina Antonius, Caesar's mentor, also researches appropriate web pages to include that provide additional information about each topic. If you would like to suggest a particularly insightful web site, please e-mail Libitina at

Caesar's programming and page design by Mary Harrsch

Page last revised: 4/24/01