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sac-class: plans for Midwinter

Hello -

A number of people have been working on drafts of material for sections of our course outline. The course outline on our web page has been updated to reflect the assigned sections.

I haven't given specifics about style guidelines, but Daniel shared the formatting guidelines we used for the LCSH workshop in a message to the list on July 18 (you can see it in the archive). We can add to and adapt this list to fit the needs of this course. If you've developed your material without these guidelines in mind, don't worry about it -- they can be incorporated in later editing.

I'd like to use our time at Midwinter to discuss the drafts that are ready -- thinking about the content in general, whether the section covers important points, where gaps might be, how the outline as a whole is shaping up, etc. I also want to allot time to begin a more careful group review of at least one section.

It would be helpful to have drafts available to group members before Midwinter, if possible. If you are working on a section, please send it to me when it is ready and I'll post it to the web page. The sac-class list cannot handle large attachments, so please send to me individually.

These don't need to be polished drafts or absolutely complete, so if you've started a section but not finished, that's OK -- it can still give us an idea of how the section will work and you can get useful feedback from the group. Also, PowerPoint is not essential at this point, so if you're working in a narrative format, that's fine.

I will send a more detailed agenda before the conference. I am also planning to try out some new project management software called Basecamp and will send a separate message with details about that. Please let me know if you have any questions!

- Lori