TECH-NIQUES, Ready-To-Use Activities
for Language and Internet Technology

Seven Wonders of...

Age: U.S. Elementary Grade 1/2 through Adult

Language Level:
Beginning - Advanced

Technical Level: Int. - Adv.


Based on the "Seven Wonders of the Ancient World" theme, this activity can be used to present information on and provide interesting visuals or sound or text about almost any topic. It can also be used in a mystery-style format where a clue about each of the seven items is given, and students look at the sites and get more information in order to identify the "Seven Wonders". This type of activity helps "jump-start" students in a good direction with web-based research, and may be preferable to simply sending students out on the general search engines where they will have to wade through a large number of sites, many duplications, and varying degrees of quality and authenticity.


Seven Wonders page for ESL, from John McVicker.
Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, the original page from Alaa K. Ashmawy.
Seven Wonders of Oregon, adapted from above by Leslie Opp-Beckman.


  • To introduce or support a current class topic by helping students "research" information on a topic from a pre-selected group of websites.
  • To build student confidence and ability in the target language (sites are pre-selected for content and appropriate language level).
  • To bypass the frustration and confusion students may feel when confronted with thousands of unfiltered websites that a standard web search may produce.


  • Instead of "Wonders", list the opposite: "Disasters".
  • Add a list of additional resources at the bottom of the page for further research.
  • Have students email their answers to the instructor instead of bringing them to class.
  • Advanced Technology: add an interactive quiz.
  • Advanced Technology: add a guestbook to the webpage where students can make suggestions about other "Wonders" or "Disasters" to add to the list.

Website Users:

Website Creators:


Copyright 1997, 1998 Deborah Healey, Email:
Leslie Opp-Beckman,E-mail:

This page last updated 07 October 1998