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CV for LESLIE OPP-BECKMAN, Ph.D. Email: leslieob@uoregon.edu
This web page contains the following sections:
University of Oregon,
English Institute, a Program of the Department of Linguistics
Supervisor: AEI Director Cynthia Kieffer, Email:
Administration (currently AEI Director of eLearning).
1995-Present, and 1988-1991:
Faculty, Instructor of English to Speakers of Other Languages (currently Senior Instructor II).
Additional employment experience with adults in private institutions and community college, and with children in private settings and in public middle and elementary schools in Oregon. Extensive overseas teaching and teacher training experience in the Middle East, Africa, Europe, and Asia. Additional references available on request.
Ph.D. Educational Policy and Management, University of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon.
M. A. Applied Linguistics, University of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon.
B. A. in Linguistics and in French, Minor in Japanese, University of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon.
Following are some samples of recent coursework and program development.
E-Teacher Scholarship Program and Professional Development Workshop in Oregon, 2012-13
Beginning Fall 2012 through Fall 2013, a 3-year renewable grant from the U.S. Department of State ECA/A/L with the University of Oregon. This program expects to serve 1200 English as a Foreign Language educators per year from more than 100 countries.Access Teacher Development Online Program (ATDOP), 2011-12
http://tinyurl.com/ATDOP-DC and http://accessonline.ning.com
Fall 2011 through Fall 2012, a pilot cooperative agreement grant with the U.S. Department of State ECA/A/L and the University of Oregon in support of secondary level educators who teach in the English Access Microscholarship Program (Access).E-Teacher Scholarship Program, 2009-12
Fall 2009 through Summer 2012, a 3-year cooperative agreement grant among the U.S. Department of State ECA/A/L, the University of Oregon, and the University of Maryland, Baltimore County.Women Teaching Women English
An English language materials development project through the U.S. Embassy Beirut, Lebanon and the Hayya Bina organization for beginning level female adult students throughout Lebanon.Oregon-Iraq Guided Online English Studies (GOES) and Tandem ELT Training
Fall 2008 - Spring 2011. an online course for university-level English Language Teachers (ELTs). Participants in the ELT course section are observing and working in tandem with the parallel Oregon-Iraq Guided Online English Studies (GOES) course for English Language Learners (ELLs).Shaping the Way We Teach English
Video-based training materials and online courses for English as a Foreign Language (EFL) educators worldwide. Videos are now available online through YouTube-UO (search by keyword: Shaping). Online courses are also available through AEI's Distance Learning program.Costa Rica, Binational Center, Videoconferencing
May 2008; February 2009. Professional development sessions for English as a Foreign Language (EFL) educators on the topic of Educational Technology and teaching methods. Videos are archived on the UO Tandberg Content Server (search by last name: Opp-Beckman).Thailand-Oregon, Videoconferencing
Professional development projects for English as a Foreign Language (EFL) educators in Thailand.Online English Language Center (OELC)
Online portal for resources for English as a Foreign Language (EFL) educators worldwide. Originally developed as part of a project through the U.S. State Department, Office of English Language Programs (OELP).PIZZAZ, Creative Writing Activities for English Language Teaching
Online since 1995. Received high reviews as a learning object from MERLOT, 2003.
Business Projects for Business "Networking"
Online since 1997. Updated for use in various professional seminars and courses.Africa Online, Content-based Instruction and EFL
More than 70 educators from over eleven countries across sub-Saharan Africa enrolled in this online course Fall 2001.Kuwait Online Teacher Training
An introductory online course on web-based resources for English language teaching for secondary school level educators in Kuwait.
AEI Online Distance Education Courses
Ongoing professional development workshops for international English language teachers.
TESOL Academies
3-day academies developed and taught for TESOL, Summers 2000-2002.
Oregon-Senshu Distance Learning Project
Course was taught online in collaboration with Professor T. Iwabuchi at Senshu University in Japan. Developed, administered and taught Spring and Fall terms, 1997-1999. Mentored another AEI instructor in the teaching of this course, Spring and Fall terms 2000-2002.
2013 April 24-25. Workshops and teacher training for EFL educators in West Bank as part of the Leadership and Training Development (LTD) Program, Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK) for English, Grades 5-10, sponsored through the local Ministry of Education and Higher Education, National Institute for Educational Training (NIET); AMIDEAST West Bank and Gaza; and USAID.
2013 March 24 - April 5. Workshops and teacher training for 100 EFL educators in the English Language Teacher Training Program 2013 for Jerusalem, West Bank Hebron, (Nablus, and Rammallah) and Gaza. Sponsored through the local Ministry of Education, AMIDEAST West Bank and Gaza, and the US Consulate General Jerusalem, English Language Specialist Program.
2013 March 21-23. TESOL convention, Dallas, Texas. Presentations in the Electronic Village related to the E-Teacher Scholarship Program, Shaping the Way We Teach English, and Women Teaching Women English.
2012 January, May, and November. Workshops and teacher training for over 100 EFL educators in West Bank (Salfeet, Tulkarem, Ramallah, and Bethlehem) and Gaza on the topics of Alternative Assessment, Project-based Learning, Critical Thinking and Web-based Resources for EFL. Sponsored through the local Ministry of Education, AMIDEAST West Bank and Gaza, and the US Consulate General Jerusalem, English Language Specialist Program.
2012 March 29-31.TESOL convention, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Invited presenter for the Cross-Interest Section Academic Session, "Going Beyond the Textbook in Second Language Writing with CALL" plus 4 presentations in the Electronic Village related to the Access Teacher Development Online Program (ATDOP), E-Teacher Scholarship Program, Shaping the Way We Teach English, and Women Teaching Women English.
2012, March U.S. Department of State, Office of English Language Programs, English Language Specialist Program for teacher training work at Yanbu University, Saudi Arabia.
2011, November Workshops and teacher training for EFL educators in Lebanon for the Women Teaching Women English materials development project, sponsored through the U.S. Embassy Beirut and Hayya Bina.
2011, October Plenary and workshop presentations for Expanding Horizons in English Language and Literary Studies (ELLS) on October 18-20, 2011 in Bangkok, Thailand.
2011 Teacher training presentations for Korea TESOL and the Regional English Language Office of the U.S. Embassy Seoul, Korea.
2011 DVC session with the U.S. Embassy in Kiev, Ukraine in support of the E-Teacher and ATDOP online teacher training programs, co-presented with US DOS ECA/A/L Office of English Language Programs Branch Chief, Craig Dicker.
2011 DVC session with the Binational Center in Concepcion, Chile as follow up to ELT Training 2010 work previously conducted in Chile.
2011 Project lead and co-author on the Women Teaching Women English (WTWE) materials development project through the U.S. Embassy Beirut, Lebanon and the NGO Hayya Bina. Teacher training workshops in Beirut, November 2011.
2010-11 U.S. Department of State, Office of English Language Programs, English Language Specialist Program for a series of 10 online webinar sessions Shaping the Way We Teach English; featured speaker in 2 sessions and provided mentoring and support for other UO faculty on 5 other sessions.
2010, December U.S. Department of State, Office of English Language Programs, English Language Specialist Program for teacher training work in Thailand for the Royal Thai Distance Learning Foundation in Songkla University, Thailand; plenary speaker for the GloCALL conference in Malaysia; and, e-learning workshops and consulting for the U.S. Jakarta, Regional English Language Office in Jakarta, Indonesia.
2010, November U.S. Department of State, Office of English Language Programs, English Language Specialist Program for teacher training work in Syria on the topic of Educational Technology for the Aleppo Conference in Aleppo, Syria.
2010, September Invited guest lecturer, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok. Design and deliver an intensive CALL courses for 30 graduate students.
2010, August Presenter, E-Teacher Scholarship Program, Summer Institute 2010 on the University of Maryland, Baltimore County campus. See program information: http://umbc.uoregon.edu/eteacher/
2010, July U.S. Department of State, Office of English Language Programs, English Language Specialist program for teacher training work in Chile on the topic of Educational Technology and presentations at the joint IATEFL-TESOL Chile Conference in Santiago, July 23-24, 2010. Handouts available: http://aei.uoregon.edu/chile.html
2010, June U.S. Department of State, Office of English Language Programs, English Language Specialist program for work as a team leader in the language camp for 240 Jordanian teens called the "American Village English Access Microscholarship Summer Program (AVEA)" with the Regional English Language Office in the U.S. Embassy Amman, Jordan and the U.S. Peace Corps Volunteers. Photos:
AVEA Group 1: Day 1, Day 2, and Day 3.
AVEA Group 2: Day 1, Day 2, and Day 3.
AVEA Group 3: Day 1, Day 2, and Day 3.
AVEA Group 4: Day 1, Day 2, and Day 3.
2010, May ESOL program evaluation for Arabian Education and Training Group (AETG) at Dammam University and Al Baha University in Saudi Arabia, in partnership with Ohio University and Greg Kessler.
2010, April TESOL convention, Boston, MA. Invited presenter in the CALL-IS Academic Session:
"The Emergent Role of Educators in E-Learning Environments.”
Electronic Village presentations on:
“E-Teacher Scholars, Past, Present & Future.”
and “PIZZAZ, Creative Writing for ESOL.”
2009-10 Tsunami Zone Web-Based English Language Teaching Materials Project, sponsored by the Royal Thai Distance learning Foundation. Co-developed with Deborah Healey.
2009 The ORTESOL Journal. “Online Learning Issues and Strategies for Increasing Retention.” Volume 27, pp. 19-23.
2009, November Opening plenary presentation with Deborah Healey for the ORTESOL Fall Conference on "Change and Internationalism" in Portland, Oregon.
2009, October U.S. Department of State, Office of English Language Programs, English Language Specialist program with workshops on classroom management, critical thinking, integrating skills, differentiated instruction, and learning centers using the Shaping the Way We Teach English materials for supervisors from the Ministry of Education in Syria and for teachers from Hebron University and the Ministry of Education in Palestine (West Bank). Also, a keynote presentation "Online Options for Testing as Learning" at University of Aleppo's 6th International Symposium on Testing and Measurement in Teaching Foreign Languages,
2009, April U.S. Department of State, Office of English Language Programs, English Language Specialist program with consulting, workshops, and plenary presentations on a variety of EFL teacher training topics in the Amazon region of Brazil using the Shaping the Way We Teach English materials.
2009, March TESOL convention, Denver, Colorado. Workshop leader for Pre-conference Institute (see the Advance Program link on the TESOL Convention site), invited presenter in the Academic Session "Examining Perceptions and Assumptions on Mentoring Prospective TESOL Professionals," and invited presenter in the Electronic Village Classics Fair.
2009, February Presentation Orientation to Shaping the Way We Teach English via digital videoconference for EFL educators in Costa Rica, sponsored by the Public Affairs Section of the U.S. Embassy San Jose, Costa Rica.
2009, February U.S. Department of State, Office of English Language Programs, English Language Specialist program with consulting, workshops, and plenary presentations on a variety of EFL teacher training topics for United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) and English Access Microscholarship Program educators and for other institutions in Jordan, Palestine (West Bank), Syria, and Tel Aviv.
2008, December Invited participant in the off-the-record briefing ÒEngaging ECAÕs International Alumni OverseasÒ with Assistant Secretary of State for Educational and Cultural Affairs Goli Ameri at the U.S. Department of State, Washington, D.C.
2008, November U.S. Department of State, Office of English Language Programs, English Language Specialist program with workshops, consulting, and public speaking on a variety of EFL teacher training topics in Khartoum, Sudan.
2008, August U.S. Department of State, Office of English Language Programs, English Language Specialist program with workshops, consulting, and public speaking on a variety of EFL teacher training topics in Sri Lanka and India.
2008, July Presented workshops on Computers and Language Learning and conducted a program evaluation for the Language Village Nabeul (LVN) EFL teacher training camp in Tunisia. Sponsored by Amideast, the Public Affairs Section of the U.S. Embassy Tunis, and the U.S. Department of State, Office of English Language Programs, English Language Specialist program.
2008, June EFL teacher training workshops with the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) in Amman; and, 2 weeks of developing curriculum for and teaching in the AVEA camp for teens from the English Access Microscholarship Program in Aqaba, Jordan. Supported by Amideast and the Regional English Language Office of the U.S. Embassy in Amman, Jordan.
2008, May Presentation Tools and Tips for E-Learning via digital videoconference for EFL educators in Costa Rica, sponsored by the Public Affairs Section of the U.S. Embassy San Jose, Costa Rica.
2008, April TESOL convention, NYC. Workshop leader for Pre-conference Institute, "Tools and Tips for Online Teaching" [PDF file].
2008, March TESOL Arabia convention, Dubai, UAE. Featured speaker for presentation, "EFL Educators and E-mentoring."
2008, February Workshop leader for 1 week of follow-on EFL teacher training for "Shaping the Way We Teach English" online course participants from Central and South America. Sponsored by the U.S. Embassy in Lima, Peru, Public Affairs, Regional English Language Office.
2008, February Workshop leader for 2 weeks of EFL teacher training with Ministry of Education in Korea. Sponsored by U.S. Department of State, Office of English Language Programs, English Language Specialist program.
2008, January Workshop leader for 1 week of EFL teacher training Vietnam, sponsored by the Consulate General, Ho Chi Minh City. Plenary speaker at LaoTESOL and featured speaker at ThaiTESOL. Sponsored by Regional English Language Office, Public Affairs, U.S. Embassy Bangkok, Thailand.
2007, November Workshop leader for 2 weeks of EFL teacher training at Prince Sultan University in Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
2007, August Workshop leader for 2 weeks of EFL teacher training at the Academy of Graduate Studies in Tripoli, Libya.
2007, March TESOL convention, Seattle, Washington: Pre-Conference Institute "E-learning Options for ESOL" and various presentations in the Electronic Village.
2007, January 2007 regional launch of the new "Shaping the Way We Teach English" video-based EFL teacher training materials, in Cairo, Egypt as materials author and workshop leader for secondary, and post-secondary educators from 17 countries throughout the Middle East, North Africa, and Central Asia. Followed by 10 days of workshops in Yemen at universities and teacher training sites in Sana'a and Hadramaut. Sponsored by U.S. Department of State, Office of English Language Programs, English Language Specialist program.
2006, December "2006 Saudi English Supervisor Program: Shaping the Way Forward" workshop leader for secondary, and post-secondary educators in the Ministry of Education, Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Sponsored by U.S. Department of State, Office of English Language Programs, English Language Specialist program.
2006, May Plenary speaker and IT workshop leader for secondary, and post-secondary educators at the national English teachers conference at Middle Eastern Technical University in Ankara, Turkey. Followed by workshops at ‚ukurova University in Adana, and at the Ministry of Education in Ankara. Sponsored by U.S. Department of State, Office of English Language Programs, English Language Specialist program.
2006, April Plenary speaker and video-based training materials workshop leader for secondary, and post-secondary educators at the CDELT SYmposium conference at Ain Shams University in Cairo, Egypt. Also conducted workshops at the American Center in Alexandria, Egypt, at Helwan and Mansoura Universities, and with the Ministry of Education in Cairo. Sponsored by U.S. Department of State, Office of English Language Programs, English Language Specialist program.
2006, March TESOL Convention, Tampa, Florida: Pre-Conference Institute ÒE-Learning Options for ESL and EFLÒ and face-to-face and webcast presentations in the Electronic Village, Internet Fair.
2006, February IT workshops for EFL educators in Taipei, Taichung, and Kaoshiung, Taiwan as part of the Oh America! Fairs.
2005, November
Plenary speaker and IT workshop leader for primary, secondary, and post-secondary educators at National Teachers Conference in Guatemala City, Guatemala. Sponsored by U.S. Department of State, Office of English Language Programs, English Language Specialist program; and, by Instituto Guatemalteco American (IGA).
2004-2005Thai Videoconferencing EFL teacher training project with funding from US Embassy Bangkok and the Royal Thai Distance Learning Foundation:
Grant from Office of English Language Programs (OELP), U.S. Department of State to develop and produce 14 video-based modules for an EFL Teacher Training video.
IT Fellows award from University of Oregon to develop learning object in tandem with OELP EFL Teacher Training video production.
2005, Spring
TESOL's Essential Teacher publication, Compleat Links, article ÒGive Yourself Credit for Broadband Learning.Ó
2005, March
Plenary speaker and IT workshop leader primary, secondary, post-secondary educators at Ukraine TESOL in Kiev, Ukraine. Sponsored by U.S. Department of State, Office of English Language Programs, English Language Specialist program.
2005, March
TESOL Convention, San Antonio, Texas: Pre-Conference Institute ÒE-Learning Options for ESL and EFLÒ and presentations in the Electronic Village, Internet Fair.
2005, January
Plenary speaker, IT workshop leader for primary, secondary, post-secondary educators, and round table speaker at National Conference for English Teachers (NCTE) in San Jose, Costa Rica. Presented IT session at English Language Fellows conference. Sponsored by U.S. Department of State, Office of English Language Programs, English Language Specialist program.
2004, December
Plenary speaker and IT workshop leader for primary and secondary level educators at EgypTESOL in Cairo, Egypt.
2004, October
IT workshop leader for secondary level educators and administrators in the Ministry of Education in Manama, Bahrain. Sponsored by U.S. Department of State, Office of English Language Programs, English Language Specialist program.
2004, September
Plenary speaker and IT workshop leader at IATEFL-Slovenia, Ljubljana, Slovenia.
2003 Winter- 2004 Winter
TESOL's Essential Teacher publication, Compleat Links Editor:
Opp-Beckman, L. and Kieffer, C. (2004). A Collaborative Model for Online Instruction in the Teaching of Language and Culture. In Fotos, S. and Browne, C. (Eds.), The English language teacher in the 21 Century. Mahwah, NJ:Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
2004, May Videoconference presentation for SEAMEO-UNESCO Education Conference and Congress with educators and administrators. Sponsored through Royal Thai Distance Learning Foundation:
2004, March TESOL Convention, Long Beach, California: Pre-Conference Institute, Online Learning Environments for ESL/EFL.
2004, March Office of English Language Programs (OELP), U.S. Department of State: OELP Online English Language Center portal developer and content provider:
2004, February Invited speaker and workshop leader on the subject of English language instruction in online environments for GautengOnline, South Africa, U.S. Department of State, Global Technology Corps.
2003, November Invited speaker and workshop leader on the subject of technology in education for the Costa Rica Ministry of Education, U.S. Department of State, Office of English Language Programs, English Language Specialist program.
2003, October Thailand, American University Alumni (AUA) Language Center Seminar; ThaiTESOL; Royal Thai Distance Learning Foundation (DLF), Ministry of Education; and, Prince Songkla University. English Language Specialist grant from U.S. Department of State, Office of English Language Programs, English Language Specialist program.
2003, October Invited consultant for online distance education for the Commission on English Language Program Accreditation (CEA), Washington, D.C.
2003, September Videoconference pilot with EFL instructors through Royal Thai Distance Learning Foundation and the US Embassy, Bangkok:
2003, July World Conference of the World Federation of Modern Language Associations / Federation Internationale des Professeurs des Langues Vivantes (FIPLV), Johannesburg, South Africa: Workshop leader and plenary speaker on Online Distance Education in English Language Teaching. English Language Specialist grant from U.S. Department of State, Office of English Language Programs.
2003, March
TESOL Convention, Baltimore, Maryland: Pre-Conference Institute Web-based Tools for English Language Teaching.
2003, March
TESOL Convention, Baltimore, Maryland: Pre-Conference Institute Identifying Web Sites for English Language Teachers of Middle and Secondary School Learners.
2003, March
TESOL Convention, Baltimore, Maryland: CALL Interest Section Academic Session "Constructing Meaning with Computers."
2003, March
TESOL Convention, Baltimore, Maryland: Demonstration "Surfing or Drowning on the Web?"
EgypTESOL Conference, Cairo, Egypt: VIP Workshop "Adapting Real Language Resources for Young Learners."
IELP II Workshops for the Ministry of Education, Cairo, Egypt [supporting website no longer available].
IATEFL Conference, Veszprem, Hungary: Plenary and Workshops related to the Web and CALL. U.S. State Department, Office of English Language Programs, English Language Specialist program.
SAALT Conference, Durban, South Africa: Plenary and Workshop on CALL with online resources compiled on accompanying CD-ROM's. U.S. State Department, Office of English Language Programs, English Language Specialist program.
TESOL Academy, Orlando, Florida: "Using Web-Based Tools in English Language Teaching"
TESOL Journal Constructing Meaning With Computers (Special Issue, Autumn 2002) Feature article: "Africa Online, an English Language Teaching Course Combining Web Resources and Content-Based Materials"
TESOL, Salt Lake City, Utah. Pre-conference Institute, "Web-based Tools for English Language Teaching."
University of Oregon, Linguistics Department Workshop, Eugene, Oregon: "Introduction to CALL Resources for K-12 Pre-Service and In-Service Teachers."
University of Oregon, College of Education Workshop, Eugene, Oregon: "Introduction to CALL Resources for Middle and Secondary Pre-Service Teachers."
TESOL Convention, Salt Lake City, Utah: "Free Resources for Teaching on the Web."
TESOL Convention, Salt Lake City, Utah. Demonstration, "Africa Online, An E-learning Course for Sub-saharan Africa."
TESOL Convention, Salt Lake City, Utah. Demonstration, "PIZZAZ, Creative Writing Activities for ESOL."
Kuwait Institute of English, Kuwait City, Kuwait: "Global Trends in Education: Building Bridges across the Digital Divide" (plenary) and Workshops on CALL with online resources compiled on an accompanying CD-ROM. U.S. Dept. of State, English Language Specialist program.
University of Oregon, Teaching Effectiveness Program, Eugene, Oregon. Guest panelist, "Women in the Classroom."
WebNet Conference, Orlando, Florida. Paper, "Combining Wireless Computers with Effective Language Learning."
COFLT Workshop, Eugene, Oregon: "Teaching with the Web."
Consulting and contract writing of Teacher Guides for Longman's pilot online English courses.
Northwest Indian Languages Institute, Eugene, Oregon: Guest Speaker, "Computer-based Language Resources."
TESOL Academy, Denver, Colorado: "Creating Effective Web-Based Materials."
TESOL Academy, Chicago, Illinois: "Using Web-Based Tools in English Language Teaching."
TESOL Academy, San Diego, California: "Using Web-Based Tools in English Language Teaching."
TESOL Conference, St. Louis, Missouri: "Combining Wireless Computers with Effective Language Learning" [MS Word doc]:
TESOL Academy, San Antonio, Texas: "Creating Effective Web-Based Materials for ESOL"
TESOL Academy, Boston, Massachusetts: "Creating Effective Web-Based Materials for ESOL"
TESOL Conference, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada: Intersection Session, "Redesigning Teacher Education: Technology in Cross-institutional Discourse"
University of Oregon Technology Fair, Computer-Enhanced Learning Demonstrations (event organizer and presenter).
USAID / Integrated English Language Program-II, Summer 2001 Workshop, University of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon [supporting website no longer available].
USAID / Integrated English language Program-II, CALL Workshops and Consulting, Cairo and Alexandria, Egypt [supporting website no longer available].
International students in the world of U.S. technology. In Brown, D. G. (Ed.), Interactive learning: Vignettes from America's most wired campuses(pp.175-177). Massachusetts: Anker.
Classroom practice: Authentic audience on the Internet. In Egbert, J. and Hanson-Smith, E., (Eds.), CALL environments: Research, practice and critical issues (pp.79-100). Virginia:TESOL.
Wireless mobile computer lab. Funded through a grant from UO Educational technology funds.
Yamada Language Center, Computer-Enhanced Language Learning (event organizer and presenter).
WebNet Conference, Honolulu, Hawaii: "Collaborative Online Instruction for the Teaching of Internet, Language and Culture Skills from a Distance" (demonstration).
Southeast Asian Studies Summer Institute, Internet Resources Workshop.
University of Oregon Technology Fair (paper).
USAID / Integrated English Language Program-II, CALL Workshops and Consulting, Egypt [supporting website no longer available].
Cairo Conference, Cairo, Egypt (opening plenary).
Cairo Conference, Cairo, Egypt: Computer Fair, Electronic Oasis.
TESOL Conference, New York, New York: Pre-Conference Institute "Great CALL Activities for Every Classroom."
Internet Fair presentation "CALL Interest Section" web site.
Internet resources. In Healey, D. and Johnson, N. (Eds.), 1999 TESOL CALL Interest Section software list (pp. xi-xv). Virginia:TESOL.
NAFSA Conference, Washington, D.C.: National Pre-Conference Institute on CALL for Administrators.
ORTESOL Conference, Portland, Oregon: "TECH-NIQUES, Ready-To-Use Activities for Language and Internet Technology."
"Information Technology and Language Learning", Guest Speaker at UO Teaching Effectiveness Summer Course.
TESOL Conference, Seattle, Washington: Internet-Based Projects for Business English with Kay Westerfield.
TESOL Conference, Seattle, Washington: "What Constitutes Content in an ESOL Website?" (Discussion Group).
Webmaster for TESOL CALL-IS website.
Co-Webmaster of TESOL CALL-IS Web Fair .
New Ways in Teaching with Computers TESOL Pub., ed. Tim Boswood, seven activities contributed.
Internet resources. In Healey, D. and Johnson, N. (Eds.), 1997 TESOL CALL Interest Section software list (pp. ix-xii). Virginia:TESOL.
TESOL Conference, Orlando, Florida: "Thematic Webpages in a Content-Based Curriculum" (paper).
TESOL Conference, Orlando, Florida: "Keeping the LL in CALL" (paper).
TESOL Conference, Orlando, Florida: Pre-Conference All-Day Internet Workshop.
ORTESOL conference, Oregon: "Considerations in Piloting a Distance Education Project."
PIZZAZ, Creative Writing Activities (NBNews Editor's Choice Award):
Webmaster for University of Oregon AEI website:
"Information Technology Resources in Second Language Acquisition". Workshops each term for upper division and graduate level UO Linguistics students.
Conduct teaching workshops and provide handouts/materials every term for UO AEI faculty and staff on topics such as: departmental and campus-wide servers, production software (MS Word, Excel, PowerPoint), web publishing (Claris HomePage, Fetch, NCSA Telnet, SoundMachine, graphics, design, copyright), images (digital camera, scanners, GraphicConverter).
1996-98, Webmaster for ORTESOL website; 1998-2000, advisor.
ORTESOL: Editor for statewide ESOL publication of K-adult student writings "Heart of Oregon."
Computers and Writing Conference, Logan, Utah: "Writing with a Creative Twist" (workshop).
International Journal for Teachers of English Writing, ed. Fairy Hayes-Scott, article: "Bag of Tricks: Quick Creative Writing Activities for Reticent Writers".
ORTESOL conference, Oregon: "Putting the Language Learning Back into CALL" (paper).
ORTESOL conference, Oregon: "Heart of Oregon" (demonstration).
TESOL HIV-AIDS Education (Magellan Award-Winning Page, MERLOT feature learning object).
Recipient of $1,500 Schafer Endowment/Continuing Education grant for the development of an ESP "pilot" class incorporating sewing skills, small business skills and related English skills with native and non-native English speakers combined.
Recipient of $5,000 Schafer Endowment/Continuing Education grant for the development of an ESL Learning Center/multi-purpose classroom that includes computer stations, listening center(s), library resources and AV support (VCR, TV, etc.) .
ORTESOL conference, Oregon: "The Enchanted Classroom: Using Folk and Fairy Tales in an ESL/EFL Course."
Participant in the Project Synergy grant out of Miami-Dade Community College for the review of ESL software.
1997-2009 Attended conference annually. Additional
2003-2005 Essential Teacher print
Editor for
Compleat Links.
Electronic Village Workshops Coordinator.
1999-2002 TESOL Technology Advisory
1998-2002 Chair-Elect,
Chair and
to Chair for TESOL CALL-IS.
1998-2003 Proposals
Reader for
1997-2000 TESOL CALL-IS Steering
1997-1999 Web Fair Coordinator, TESOL
1997-1998 "Technology Connects Interest Sections," Special
Event Organizer
and Host.
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