JPN 306 Intro. to Japanese Literature

Murakami Haruki

1. How does Murakami relate to WWII? How is this connected with his writing?

2. How does Murakami characterize his own writing?

3. In what way might Murakami’s writing be similar to Tanizaki’s?

4. How does Murakami compare to Dazai Osamu as an author?

5. In what ways might we see Murakami as a cutting edge writer?

6. How would you describe the plot structure of "The Second Bakery Attack"?

7. How would you characterize the imagery in "The Second Bakery Attack"?

8. How are the husband and wife depicted?

9. How do you interpret the volcano that rises beneath the boat?

Last Update: June 5, 2001 -- Andrea Erickson
Dept. of East Asian Languages and Literatures    University of Oregon