The Age of Caesar (55 - 44, B.C)
Caesar's movements:
49 | Across the Rubicon, down the backbone of Italy to Brindisi, but Pompey had already left. Returns to Rome. No proscriptions, but Caesar seizes the aerarium. On to Spain. Siege of Massilia. Battle of Ilerda. Return to Rome. |
48 | Campaign in the Balkans leading to Pharsalus in June. Land route to Egypt where he winters with Cleopatra. |
47 | Defeat of Pharnaces at Zela (veni, vidi, vici); back to Italy by July. Leaves for North Africa in October |
46 | Thapsus; suicide of Cato; celebrates quadruple triumph (Gaul, Egypt, Pontus and Africa). leaves for Spain in November. |
45 | Munda (March); returns to Rome. |
Monuments: The center of Rome
--Caesar: the basilica
Julia; overview;
thereof; the forum
Julii; Caesar the dictator;
as pontifex
--Brutus: propaganda after the ides of March; as imperator; portrait as philosopher; traditional