Clinical Evaluation of CAD
Graded Exercise Testing
JL Radcliffe
EMS 410 -- 15 Feb 2002
  • ACSM Risk Factors
  • Sample case study
  • Clinical GXT (stress test)…
  • Stress echo or…
  • Stress cardiolite
  • Cardiac catheterization (Angiogram)
  • Angioplasty (PTCA) or…
  • CABG

ACSM Risk factors:

Janice distributed copies of ACSM tables 2-1 (CAD Risk Factors) and 2-2 (Recommendations), and Boxes 2-1 (Signs and symptoms) and 2-2 (Risk stratification).

Be able to look at a case study and evaluate the patient for risk factor status and symptoms. Be able to determine whether a physical exam and exercise test should be administered before prescribing an exercise program. Should a physician supervise the test?


Clinical Eval of CAD -- Sample case study

72 year old female (Betty) reports CP w/ exertion

Mother died of MI at 60 years of age

Former smoker (1ppd x 35 years), recently quit

Hypercholesterolemia, on lipitor

BP @ rest 148/94 mmHg

Glucose normal

Ht 60 in ; Wt 126 lb


Refer for stress EKG/cardiolite eval


Risk factor evalation: She has all risk factors but obesity (Her BMI is 24.8) and impaird fasting glucose.

Be able to calculate BMI for the exam!!! Here's Bette's example:

Convert pounds to kg:

[126 lb / 2.2 = 57.3 kg]

Convert inches to meters:

60 in x 0.0254 = 1.52 M

Calculate the ratio:

57.3 kg/1.52 M2 = 24.8 kg/M2

Clinical GXT

We’re lookin’ for…

EKG abnormalities…

ST segment changes with exertion and recovery

Rate and rhythm

Hemodynamic response – BP

Clinical symptoms – CP, SOB

Functional capacity





Stress Test Summary

Resting: EKG shows NSR, Rate 96, BP 170/90

Pt exercised for only 3 minutes on Bruce proto achieving 1.7 mph, 10% gr. Stopped due to SOB, severe CP, and hypotensive response. BP at max exercise was 120/80. Max HT was 135 BPM, 91% of age-redicted max.

At max exercise, we observed 2.3 mm horizontal and downsloping ST depression, which persisted during recovery.

During recovery CP, ST depression, and hypotension persisted, and a multiformed PVC couplet was observed. .04 mg NTG administered. CP and ST changes resolved at 18:00 of recovery

Conclusion: Clinically positive, Electrically positive, hypotensive hemodynamic response, very poor functional capacity. Refer for cardiac catheterization.

Cardiolite stress test:

Thallium 201, a radioactive isotope is injected. Here's a sample interpretation:

Transient LV dilation

Small, mildly severe, completely reversible anteroapical defect

Moderately large and severe, reversible inferior and inferoseptal defect involving the basilar half of the inferior wall

LVEF was calculated 41% (gated)


Echocardiography and echo-doppler

Echo Doppler


Stress Echo

Cardiac catheterization and angioplasty



Percutaneous Transluminal Coronary Angioplasty: A balloon is inserted into the narrowed lumen and inflated. This compresses the plaque against the artery wall.

A stent is often inserted to provide a framework!

Atherectomy can be conducted on hard calcified plaque using the an instrument called the Rotoblator.


CABG: Coronary Artery Bypass Graft

The most invasive intervention to re-establish normal flow in the coronaries. Grafts may be taken from the internal mamary arteries, saphenous veins, or radial arteries.