Confucianism and Filial Piety: The Lifelong Service


Quick reminder of Confucius:

·      Confucian Philosophy came about during the Zhou Dynasty

·     Confucianism was adopted by the Han emperors

·      Knowledge was passed down through students and written in the Analects of Confucius


Confucian overall ideas of society and community:

·      Stressed the importance of humaneness

·      Social harmony above individualism

·      A man’s perfection is based on his contribution to society

·      Believed a well-functioning society was based on a hierarchy of relationships


Five relationships built on mutual responsibility:

1. Ruler and subject   2. Father and son  3. Man and wife

4. Older and younger brother 5. Friend and friend (The only equal relationship)


Importance of Filial Relationship:

·      Having children was a necessary duty to continue family lineage

·      Filial piety is one of the roots of ‘ren’, or perfect goodness and humanness

·      The Chinese character for filial piety, xiao, represents an old man supported by a young man; the parents looked after the child, now the grown child takes care of the aged parents

·      Filial piety is extended to both the living and the dead, relates to ancestor worship

·      Confucius believed that good family relationships were the key to reforming society, and thus reforming government

·      Confucius felt that filial piety is more important than the law

·      Children are told stories at an early age about the importance of filial piety


Analects of Filial Piety:

·      "When his father is alive, you observe a man's intentions. It is when the father is dead that you observe the man's actions. If for three years he makes no change from the ways of his father, he may be called filial." (1:11, Analects)

·      "Fathers cover up for their sons and sons cover up for their fathers. Uprightness is to be found in this" (13:18, Analects).

·      “How, then, could a son be filial if he follows the orders of his father? … one can only speak of filial piety and loyalty after one has examined the reasons why they follow the order.”

·      “Only be dutiful towards your parents and friendly towards your brothers, and you will be contributing to government.” (2.21, Analects)


Responsibilities of Filial Relationship:

Child’s responsibility:

Parents gave child life, so child has responsibility to parents

Obedience to, respect for, and loyalty to one's parents

Must care for parents in their old age

Child cannot mutilate the body, a gift to them from their parents

Parents’ Responsibility:

Parents had a responsibility to care for the child

Educate them in ethics, character and culture

Teach them how to be humane and a good community member