Basic Teachings of Buddhism

By: Lindsay Harrison


What is Buddhism?

o       2,500 year old religion that began when Siddhartha Gotama (Gautama) was enlightened

o       300 million people in the world are Buddhist

o       Buddhism explains a purpose to life, explains injustice, suffering, pain and provides a code of practice that leads to true happiness.

o       Also a philosophy or way of life for those who follow the Buddhist path of:

1. leading a moral life

2. being mindful and aware of thoughts and actions

3. developing wisdom and understanding


Who was the Buddha?

o       A man named Siddhartha Gotama born in 563 BC, in the area now know as Nepal

o       Born into a Royal family, grew up with riches, luxuries, never exposed to death, disease, poverty or hardship

o       Ventured outside the palace and discovered immeasurable human suffering and became dedicated to finding the answer for how to overcome human suffering.

o       Began to meditate until the answers came to him

* conquered all temptations

* found the "middle path" of enlightenment

o       Spent rest of his life teaching the principals of Buddhism called the Dhamma- or truth


What did the Buddha Teach? basic concepts

A.  The Four Noble Truths

        1. Life is suffering

        2. Suffering is caused by craving

        3. Suffering can be overcome and happiness achieved   

4. The Noble Eightfold path is the path that leads to the end of suffering

        B.  Eightfold Path

                * Being Moral

* Develop Wisdom- focus on the mind and being aware through meditation

* This will lead to having compassion for others


C.  The Five Precepts – The moral code of Buddhism

        1. Not to take a living life

        2. Not to take anything not freely given

3. To abstain from sexual misconduct and overindulgence      

        4. To refrain from untrue speech

        5. Avoid intoxication or losing mindfulness


What is the goal of Buddhism?

= Reaching Nirvana

o       Achieving the highest realm of existence

o       Nirvana means the cessation of passion, ignorance and aggression

o       The cessation of the willingness to prove one's existence in the world

o       Absolving the mind of wants, speculation and entertainment and being absorbed in the current moment (awareness)


Important Points about Buddhism

o     There is no savoir or almighty God, liberation of the self is the responsibility of the individual (self-cultivation)

o     The Buddha is seen as a "teacher" or "guide" not a God

o     The teachings of Dhamma Truths exists regardless of whether or not there is a Buddha

o     Re-birth and Karma are key doctrines of Buddhism

o     No holy-war concept

o     Vegetarianism is recommended

o     There is no "hell" but 6 realms of existence, "Samsara" being the most undesirable

o     A belief in endless rounds of rebirth among the six realms that ends when one attains nirvana 

o     The idea of sin has no place in Buddhism