Josie: Empress Wu Zetian


I.                   Origin and Early Years

A.     Family

1.    wealthy family

2.    unknown origin
3.    Buddhism and her family

B.     Taizong’s harem

1.    period as a concubine

a.     Gaozong

b.     No child by Taizong

2.    convent

a.     Gaozong brings her back to palace

b.     Help of Empress Wang

C.     Consort to Gaozong

1.    uest for title of empress

a.     controversy over families aristocraticness

b.     senior officials sided with Empress Wang

c.     atrocious act to discredit Empress  Wang

i.                   kills daughter

2.    son becomes heir apparent

3.    punishes former Empress and Xiao Shufei

4.    sent political opponents into exile or kills enemies

i.                   orders her niece killed

5. Strong interest in “sorcery”

6.    Gaozong suffers stroke

                                                                                                                   i.      Empress Wu takes over power

      ii.  Wu is very astute

7. Political power

          a. large power base

          b. possibly kills 1st heir apparent

          c. exiles princes

                   i. 4 in 5 years

          d. kills own sons

          e. favorites in government

8. Gaozong dies

          a. Empress Wu advisor to heir apparent

                   i. heir removed by Wu

b. next son of Wu and Gaozong on throne

                                                i. never allowed to rule

                                                ii. Wu keeps much power

II.                Power and Regency

A.     not much fear of opposition

B.     foreign relations

C.     cruelties of her reign

D.     rebellion

E.     sex, symbolism and corruption in last years of reign

F.     abdicated in 705 to Zhongzong

G.    died in 705

H.    tomb where buried is still known and visited

III.             Aftermath

A.     corruption and female political power

1.    Empress Wei

2.    Taiping Princess- Empress Wu’s daughter

B. History of cruelty, power, intelligence, and corruption