Han Gaozu (Liu Bang)


I.                    General Information

A.     Lived from 259 to 195 BCE

B.     Born in Jiangsu province located in East China

C.     Was a low-ranking official during the Qin Dynasty

1.     Became one of the generals who led forces against the Qin

2.      Increased popular support by attacking Qin’s brutal laws

D.     Founded the Han Dynasty in 202 BCE

1.      First commoner to become emperor

E.      The name Han Gaozu identifies Liu as “great ancestor” of the Han Dynasty

II.        Han Gaozu’s Rise to Power
A.    Started as a low-ranking official

  1. At the end of Qin dynasty, Liu Bang and Xiang Yu rose up against the Qin
  2. In 206 BCE, Liu defeated the Qin capital Xianyang, putting an end to the Qin dynasty
  3. Xiang Yu, with the intention of becoming emperor, proclaimed himself King of Chu

1.      Liu Bang, realizing his inferiority, moved to Hanzhong with the title King of Han

a.       Focused his efforts on agriculture and training an army

E.      Started a war, the Chu-Han War, lasting four years

1.      In 205 BCE, Liu Bang led 560,000 troops against Xiang Yu, who was fighting rebels in the north

a.     Yu turned his army around and crushed Liu’s army

b.     Liu ordered his allies to attack and conquer the Northern provinces

c.     Within a year, Liu and his allies had Xiang Yu cornered

2.      Xiang Yu, however, still had Liu Bang’s family in Xian Yang

a.       Liu offered to divide the country between Han and Chu in exchange for his family

b.      Yu agreed, but was back-stabbed immediately by Liu who invaded his territory

c.       Yu committed suicide and Liu’s biggest threat was gone

d.      Liu Bang founded the Han dynasty, establishing Chang An as the capital

III.      Liu Bang’s Rule
A.     Modified the Qin legal system

1.      Allowed the guilty to pay fines rather than be subjected to stipulated punishments

B.     Revived feudalism in China by establishing regional kingdoms

1.      Gave nine of his brothers and sons the title of King

2.      Named 150 of his most important followers the rank of Marquis

C.     The government had three major divisions at both the central and local levels

1.      Supervision of tax collection

2.      Army

3.      Government Officials

D.     Foreign Affairs

1.      Made peace with the Xiongnu tribes to the North

a.       Bought peace by sending textiles, wines, and princesses

b.      Xiongnu agreed not to invade in return

E.      Death of Liu Bang

1.      Died in 195 BCE, leaving his dynasty to his son

2.      Empress Lu was regent to his son until his death seven years later.  She retained power under an infant son.