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Karnak, Egypt
Karnak, Egypt
Tomb of Hatshepsut, Dier el Bahari
Luxor, Egypt
Tomb of Hatshepsut, Dier el Bahari
Luxor, Egypt
K.Helphand 12/80
Tomb of Hatshepsut, Dier el Bahari
Luxor, Egypt
K.Helphand 12/80
Trees from Punt, Tomb of Hatshepsut, Dier el Bahari
Luxor, Egypt
K.Helphand 12/80
Egyptyian House Model
Egyptyian House Model
Fertility Symbol,Memphis
K. Helphand 12/80
Garden of Rekhmara
Festival of the Dead
Palms and Fields, Memphis
Map of Babylon
Hanging Gardens of Babylon
19th century conception
Hanging Gardens of Babylon
student reconstruction
Hanging Gardens of Babylon
student reconstruction
Hanging Gardens of Babylon
student reconstruction
Hanging Gardens of Babylon
student reconstruction