PROTOCOL--Class Exercise
Step One:
Have people assemble in the same groups they were in on Monday.
Stray people: Add to existing groups or form a new group.
Step Two:
Have assistant pass out instruction sheets and Individual
Decision Sheet to each person. Read these instructions aloud
to the groups. While you are doing this, assistant should
give each group a number card and put a member letter card in
front of each member
(Leadership condition--Holly--try for even number of male and
female leaders)
Step Three:
Give people 5 minutes to fill out Individual Decision Sheet.
Remind them to make these choices privately, without
consulting each other, and remind them to put their group
number and member letter on the top.
Step Four:
Give each group a Group Decision Sheet. Tell them one member
of each group should read the instructions aloud to the rest
of the group. After they have done this, give them 10 minutes
to complete the task. Remind the groups when there are 2
minutes remaining. At the end of the time, COLLECT THE GROUP
Step Five:
Give each person a Post-Discussion Sheet. Remind them to make
these choices privately. They have 4 minutes for this task.
Step Six:
Hand out the Member Questionnaires. These should take about 5
minutes, but maybe less. Remind them to put their group and
member letter at the top of this questionnaire AND ALL OF
Step Seven:
Bring everyone back to the main room. Tell them to bring
their individual decision sheets and post-discussion sheets
with them.
Holly gives the expert scores so people can copy these down and figure their difference scores. She also will identify the main condition (consensus vs assigned leader) and discuss a few DVs that may be affected by this manipulation.