We think with our minds, not our
brains. CT # 2, 3
We think with our brains. William Calvin (1996)
How Brains Think
The brain is an organ specialized to help individual organisms carry out major acts of living
(Bloom & Lazerson, 1988, p. 12)
The mind is the product of the
brain's activity.
Thinking is the product of the
mind's activity.
What is intelligence?
Juan Huarte (Spanish physician),
1575: The ability to learn,
exercise judgment, and be
Piaget (cognitive, developmental
psychologist): Intelligence is
what you use when you don't know
what to do.
William Calvin (neuroscientist):
Intelligence is all about
improvising, creating a wide
repertoire of behaviors, "good
moves" for various situations.
Horace Barlow (neurobiologist):
Intelligence is about making a
guess that discovers some new
order--guessing well.
Views & measures of intelligence
as a unitary construct
First known test of mental
ability: Civil service test in
China, developed around 2000
European tradition:
Alfred Binet
First workable test of intelligence 1905
Purpose: identify children
likely to have difficulty in
Francis Galton,
Hereditary Genius (1892)
Believed in eugenics,
emphasized the hereditary
basis of intelligence.
R.J. Herrnstein & C. Murray
(The Bell Curve, 1994)
are intellectual descendants
of Galton
Lewis Terman (Stanford prof)
Stanford-Binet test, 1916
Invention of IQ: "intelligence
quotient." Calculated by
dividing mental age (determined
by the test) by chronological
Charles Spearman
"g" = general intelligence
A general factor that promotes
high performance on many
different components of
intelligence tests.
Arthur Jensen: Two strongest
influences on g are speed (how
many questions you can answer in
a fixed amount of time) and the
number of items you can mentally
juggle at the same time.
As Calvin says (p. 10)
"Together, they make high IQ
sound like the job description
for a high-volume short-order
cook, juggling the preparation
of six different meals at the
same time"
David Wechsler
Created a nonverbal version of intelligence test, 1939
Useful for children & adults
who don't speak English or have
some kind of language
Binet believed intelligence was
However, the unidimensional view
is often linked to a presumption
that intelligence is an
inherited and static trait.
Are both true?
Views of intelligence as
Howard Gardner:
"The very lack of a developed
intelligence of one sort can
serve as a motivation for the
development of that
J.L. Horn & R. B. Cattell
Fluid and crystallized
Fluid--acquisition of new
information, seeing new
relations, inductive reasoning
Crystallized--accumulation of
knowledge, vocabulary, general
knowledge, achievement
Robert J. Sternberg's Triarchic theory:
Analytic--solve familiar
problems using strategies that
manipulate elements and
relations among element
Creative--Solve novel problems
that require thinking in a new
Practical--Solve problems that
apply what we know to everyday
Howard Gardner's Multiple
Intelligences (which continue to
Naturalist (Understanding
patterns in the natural world)
Gardner has also speculated on a 9th intelligence: Spiritual