Grading System for Short Paper #2
30 points total: 20 for content; 10 for verbal (visual) expression of content
Content breakdown for option 1: Painting/drawing sculpture:
4 pts: Emotional effect + 12 pts: Visual analysis + 6 pts: Change in
Description of emotional effect (if partners differ, include both reactions)
4 = Subtlety and sophistication in identifying precise emotions and mood.
3 = Emotion / mood identified, elaborated somewhat
2 = Clear identification of generic emotion
1 = Some reference to emotion
Analysis of how it achieves effect.
11-12 = Insights give reader/viewer a new understanding of the piece--shows extensive observation and thinking that goes way beyond the obvious. Analysis refers directly to specific visual elements in the painting--particular lines, shapes, colors, aspects of composition, light/dark contrasts, content elements, and connects each element directly to emotions / mood. NOTE: Don't need to do LOTS of elements--do a few and do them well.
9-10 = Analysis is specific, sensible, focused. Thinking goes beyond the obvious.
7-8 = Satisfactory. Specific visual elements identified but not clearly tied to mood / emotion, or elements remain generic: "the colors are gloomy" ; points are obvious; little depth of thinking
5-6 = Completely generic analysis, competently executed; or promising mess
3-4 = Building blocks for an analysis but no sustained connection of ideas with artwork or emotion
1-2 = Little or no analysis related to the assignment
Two ways image could be changed; impact of change
6 = Two specific changes described, with clear identification of changes in emotional impact
Less than 6: Two changes not described; changes not specific; not tied to emotional impact; or
connections not persuasive.
Content breakdown for option 2: Graph/diagram/photograph
4 pts: Identify main message + 12 pts: Visual analysis + 6 pts: What's
Main message
4 = Clear, specific, convincing identification of the key message the images convey.
3 = General identification of a message; or focus is specific, but seems to miss the point
2 = Some vague ideas about the message, not clearly articulated
1 = Some mention of a message
Visual analysis: Similar to Option 1, but connections need to be to the message / argument
instead of to mood / emotion. Analysis should account for all the important features of the images
and analyze why or why not they are effective in supporting themessage / argument.
How information left out might change interpretation
6 = Excellent job noticing what is NOT there, and convincing, specific explanation of how it would change the interpretation of the images
Less than 6: Information identified not plausible, or not clearly connected to message, or
interpretation of this hypothetical missing information is not logical or convincing
Content breakdown for option 3: Political cartoon
4 pts. Identify main message: See description for option 2 above.
12 pts. Analysis of effectiveness: See description for option 2 above.
6 pts. At least two alternations that would change the message. See description for option 1 above.
How the changes would change the political message must be specific and convincing.
Verbal (visual) expression of content, all options
10 = Clear, eloquent, stylish writing; a pleasure to read. Grammatical; all words spelled and used correctly; no writing errors. Stays within limits (1 page, 300 words).
9 = A potential ten with a point off for some flaw.
8 = Solid writing, expresses ideas clearly, grammatical, does the job. Minor errors only.
7 = Satisfactory. Writing expresses ideas adequately, but is wordy, has grammatical or diction or spelling errors, or is imprecise.
6 and Below. Serious writing problems. Not up to college level. Placement in this range will
depend on the volume and seriousness of problems.
BONUS POINTS on Expression:
Available for excellent writing and also for good use of visual thinking in diagrams or drawings that supplement the written text. (Limit for visuals is 2 extra pages, including the reproduction of art / graphics / cartoon.)