Grading System for Short Paper #1
30 points total
10 points: Analysis of slogans -- effectiveness, issues, assumptions
10 = Superb analysis. Gives new insight, shows deep thinking. Logic flawless.
9 = Superior. Thoughtful, thorough, logic is sound, shows careful thinking.
8 = Good. All points covered. Thoughtful. No major flaws, perhaps some minor ones.
7 = Satisfactory. Analysis superficial. May also be a mixed bag--good insights mixed with logical gaps or leaves out part of assignment.
6 & Below. Serious problems. Example: Doesn't follow assignment, illogical, unclear, thinking
muddy. Says little, content mostly irrelevant.
5 points each: Evidence for, evidence against (10 total)
5 = Completely on target. Evidence makes sense and supports argument (counterargument) well
4 = Supports argument (counterargument) but logic not spelled out clearly.
3 = Evidence mentioned, seems related, but author has not connected it to argument.
2 = Something that might be evidence, but doesn't support argument (counterargument).
1= An unsuccessful attempt.
0 = This part of assignment missing.
10 points: Writing quality
10 = Clear, eloquent, stylish writing; a pleasure to read. Grammatical; all words spelled and used correctly; no writing errors. Stays within limits (1 page, 300 words).
9 = A potential ten with a point off for some flaw.
8 = Solid writing, expresses ideas clearly, grammatical, does the job. Minor errors only.
7 = Satisfactory. Writing expresses ideas adequately, but is wordy, has grammatical or diction or spelling errors, or is imprecise.
6 and Below. Serious writing problems. Not up to college level. Placement in this range will depend on the volume and seriousness of problems.