Class Requirements and Activities:

1. Required Readings (All available at UO bookstore)
Vera John-Steiner, Notebooks of the Mind, Rev. ed. (1997), Oxford UP. NM
Daniel Goleman, Emotional Intelligence (1995), Bantam. EI
David A. Levy, Tools of Critical Thinking (1997), Allyn & Bacon. CT

2. Participation. Attendance at class is required, not optional. Your participation grade will be based on participation in group exercises, class assessments, peer editing, and the evaluation of fellow group members of the quality of your contributions to your group.

* If you cannot attend class faithfully, DO NOT TAKE THIS COURSE. **

3. Small group structure. You will work together in small groups of 4 or 5 members completing group exercises and midterm exams. That group will divide into dyads or triads to work on the group project. The full group is your class group; the smaller team is your project team.

4. Short papers. You will complete three one-page papers. The absolute length limit for text is one page and 300 words. Papers may also include one page of visual diagrams or drawings (2 pp. for Short Paper #2). Papers will be graded on the following criterion: (1) quality of ideas and insights, (2) effective support, development, and presentation of ideas, and (3) precision, clarity, and correctness of writing.

5. Group project. Project teams will develop an assessment instrument for measuring either (1) one or more of the five domains of emotional intelligence (p. 43, EI) or four interpersonal abilities (p. 118, EI) or (2) visual thinking, as discussed in NM Ch. 4 or (3) scientific thinking, as discussed in NM Ch. 5. You will collect data using this instrument and write a report on the development and usefulness of the instrument.

6. Midterms. Two midterms will cover assigned reading and lectures. Students will complete a set of multiple choice questions individually, hand in their scantrons, and then complete the group portion of the midterm, which will be short answer format, together with their class group. An optional final exam may be taken to replace a poor midterm grade or make up a missed midterm.