Challenge Form * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * GROUP Code _______

Name (s) _______________________________________Date submitted __________

Use this form to challenge group quiz answers, homework, or midterm. No individual quiz challenges allowed. There is room on this sheet for 2 challenges. A successful challenge will explain why the answer your group chose is as least as good as the "correct" answer. Use book and lecture notes as evidence. Convince us that you really do understand the material tested by the question / problem. ** Turn in WITH your quiz/homework/midterm so we can see your answer, within a week of the quiz or when homework/midterm was returned **

Quiz # ____ Homework # ____ Midterm ____ Question # ____ Answer you chose _____

For group quiz, who chose same answer on individual quiz? ______________________

Holly/TA Decision: Yes_____ No _____ Comment:______________________________________


Quiz # ____ Homework # ____ Midterm ____ Question challenged ____ Answer you chose _____

For group quiz, who chose same answer on individual quiz? ______________________

Holly/TA Decision: Yes_____ No _____ Comment:______________________________________