Schedule of readings and
Week One: Review of Basics (Chs 1, pp. 9-22; Ch 2, pp. 34-40, 56-59), Motivation (Ch 10)
Tues, March 30: Orientation & Overview
LAB Wed, March 31: How to read an article; Go over data collection for stress exercise.
Thurs, April 1: Lecture & discussion, Motivation chapter
Journal assignment: Post your FIRST MESSAGE on Motet
Week Two: Emotion, Stress, & Coping (Ch 11)
Tues, April 6: Form groups; sign up for reaction papers; Lecture on Ch 11. *Bring data from stress exercise*
LAB Wed, April 7: Discuss Strack et al. article, outcomes for stress exercise.
Thurs, April 8: Discussion of connections between article and text
Journal: Post on Motet by 1 PM Friday
Week Three: Personality (Ch 12)
Tues, April 13: Lecture on Ch 12
LAB Wed, April 14: Quiz #1, covering material from weeks 1 & 2; discuss focus article
Thurs, April 15: Discussion of topics for the week; draft reaction papers due
Journal: Post on Motet by 1 PM Friday
Week Four: Physical and Cognitive Development (Ch 13)
Tues, April 20: Lecture on Ch 13; Revised reaction papers due
LAB Wed, April 21: Discuss focus article, projects. *Bring ideas for your project.* Exercise.
Thurs, April 22: Discussion of topics for the week; draft reaction papers due
Journal: Post on Motet by 1 PM Friday
Week Five: Social Development (Ch 14)
Tues, April 27: Lecture on Ch 14; Revised reaction papers due
LAB Wed, April 28: Quiz #2, covering material from weeks 3 & 4; discuss focus article
Thurs, April 29: Discussion of topics for the week; draft reaction papers due
Journal: Post on Motet by 1 PM Friday
Week Six: Psychological Disorders (Ch 15)
Tues, May 4: Lecture on Ch 15; Revised reaction papers due. *Hand in a typed 1-paragraph description of your project, and reference info for articles you plan to read.*
LAB Wed, May 5: Discuss focus article, projects. Exercise.
Thurs, May 6: Class discussion; Laura will lead; draft reaction papers due
Journal: Post on Motet by 1 PM Friday
Week Seven: Treatment of Psychological Disorders (Ch 16)
Tues, May 11: Lecture on Ch 16; Revised reaction papers due
LAB Wed, May 12: Quiz #3, covering material from weeks 5 & 6; discuss focus article
Thurs, May 13: Discussion of topics for the week; draft reaction papers due
Journal: Post on Motet by 1 PM Friday
Week Eight: Attitudes and Social Cognition (Ch 17)
Tues, May 18: Lecture on Ch 17; Revised reaction papers due
LAB Wed, May 19: Discuss focus article, projects. Bring questions, issues you are encountering in working on your project.
Thurs, May 20: Discussion of topics for the week; draft reaction papers due
Journal: Post on Motet by 1 PM Friday
Week Nine: Interpersonal Processes (Ch 18)
Tues, May 25: Lecture on Ch 18; Revised reaction papers due
LAB Wed, May 26: Quiz #4, covering material from weeks 5 & 6; discuss focus article
Thurs, May 27: Discussion of topics for the week; draft reaction papers due
Journal: Post on Motet by 1 PM Friday
Week Ten: Integration
Tues, June 1: Draft of project paper due; Reaction papers due
LAB Wed, June 2: Poster preparation
Thurs, June 3: Poster session; project paper duplicated and ready to hand out
Journal: Post on Motet by 1 PM Friday