HC 212 Poster Preparation Guidelines
1. Size of poster: 3 feet by 4 feet max (may be smaller)
2. Size of type: Should be able to read main text and see figures or tables or diagrams clearly from 5 feet away (references can be smaller). This means minimum 18-20 or so depending on which font you use. Use larger bold time for headings.
3. Type font: Use something straightforward. Not Algerian or braggadocio. Print out a sample of your preferred font in large size and view from a distance to check readability.
4. The flow of your poster should be downwards in columns, starting at the TOP LEFT and ending at the BOTTOM RIGHT. Arrange pages to emphasize this visually (with a decent column space so people don't think they should read across).
5. Make sure all words are spelled correctly. Typos in Tweny-Fore point are even
more embarrassing than types in small text.
1. The ideal poster is designed to (1) attract attention; (2) provide a clear summary of what you learned; and (3) initiate discussion.
2. Colored background will make your white pages stand out more. Using some kind of visual graphic (which can be a table, a simple figure, or an arrangement of words and arrows to express ideas--see Table 12.3 of Figs 15.2 or 17.6 or 18.2 for examples) helps with both (1) and (2).
3. For (3): Highlighting areas of debate or unanswered questions in your topic will help stimulate
discussion. You want to stimulate discussion about IDEAS, however, so make your poster itself
as self-explanatory as possible (so discussion is not about "What did you mean here?").
Contents of poster
1. Title of poster
2. Your name & affiliation (Honors College, or University of Oregon)
3. Abstract (quick summary of contents)
4. Overview of what you learned from your reading (what CONNECTs all the information you learned?)
5. Body of poster: Go into more detail, organized either by articles or by subtopics or by questions. Here you may get into distinctions and differences more.
6. Discussion. Unanswered questions or troubling issues are useful.
7. References (smaller font okay for references)
Grading (15 points for poster & 15 for paper)
For poster, 5 points for quality of content (thoughtfulness, effectiveness in conveying ideas and summarizing information) 10 points for presentation (5 for words, 5 for visuals & layout).