Patterns of thought, feeling, and
behavior that endure across situations
Structure of personality:
Organization of these patterns
Individual differences:
How patterns resemble and differ from
one another across persons
Development of personality:
How and why patterns emerge and
differ across people
Basic personality disposition that is
heavily influenced by genes (p.473)
Individual differences in reactivity and
self-regulation that are assumed to
have a constitutional bias (Rothbart, p.
Structure of mental processes, personality
* Will, counterwill
* Conscious, pre-conscious, unconscious
* Id, ego, superego
Universal development of personality:
* Psychosocial stages
* Oral, anal, phallic, latency, genital
Individual differences:
* Difficulties lead to fixations (prominent conflicts, issues) at different stages
Fixations can be at either extreme:
extreme sloppiness and extreme neatness
are seen as different manifestations of
the same "issue" of
Object relations:
* Focus on how people represent themselves & others mentally
* Encoding, personal relevance,
behavioral plan, behavior, self-regulation
* Behavioral plan affected by behavior-outcome expectancy and self-efficacy
* Behavior affected by competency
Blends behaviorist (operant conditioning)
and cognitive (information processing,
goal setting) perspectives
Development = operant conditioning based on consequences and expected consequences of behavior
Trait theory
Traits are underlying dimensions of
personality on which people vary--emotional, cognitive, and behavioral
Looks at structure of personality and
individual differences
Uses factor analysis --technique for
determining the structure of covariation
among many variables or items
(See Minimarker scale -- via Psychology
links on the web -- for a trait scale that
shows factor loadings)
Extroversion, neuroticism (emotional
stability/instability), psychoticism
Big Five:
Extroversion, agreeableness,
conscientiousness, neuroticism,
NOTE: Trait theory is BUILT on empirical
evidence of which traits "cluster together"
in people, with typical data for adults
being self-report (such as the mini-marker scale, or the temperament scale
you completed in class).
This contrasts with Freudian
psychodynamic theory, which was
originally developed by Freud
introspecting about his own psychic
processes and also developing theories of
why his patients had the problems they
did. In part because of his methods,
Freud emphasized the male psyche over
the female psyche. Much of his theory is
difficult to test empirically, although
empirical data have confirmed that
processes and knowledge that do not
reach conscious awaremess can
nevertheless have an impact on behavior.
Like psychodynamic, posits universal
developmental process that is disrupted
or distorted
Focus on the self-concept, and tension
between the true self, the false self, and
the ideal self
Note that, like psychodynamic theory,
there are three aspects of self. However,
they are all seen as part of the
"conscious" self. Discrepancies between
the true self and ideal self can inspire a
person to change themselves (along the
lines of goal-setting theory).
Discrepancies between the true self and
the false self (a public self that is shaped
by others' expectations) can also cause
emotional distress.
Existentialist view: Sees the search for
meaning as central. Bad faith is self-deception about one's own actions, living
too much according to the false self and
not being "true" to one's true self
(fundamental personality).
More on the Trait Model of
Personality, Consistency &
Consistency varies depending on the
level of measurement. Between any two
behaviors, a correlation of r = .20 (6/10
correct) suggests little consistency.
However, when you observe behavior
across 10 situations, deduce a score for
an underlying trait and then predict a
single behavior, prediction increases to
about .50 (7.5/10 correct).
If you use your score to predict the
score for the next 10 behaviors,
prediction jumps to about .75 (almost
9/10 correct).
Note: personality influences behavior in
interaction with the situation.
Extraversion predicts party behavior;
intelligence predicts school
But most behavior is influenced by
multiple traits, the situation, and the
motivation of the person.
Stability and Change
In adulthood, most personality traits
are relatively stable, illustrated in .60 to
.80 retest reliability correlations over
1-5 years.
However, correlations indicate relative
position, and don't capture changes in
means for a whole group.
In childhood, change is more common
than in adulthood (both individual
change and group change).
Genetic and Environmental Basis of
Heritability (H) can be calculatedfrom
correlation data of MZ and DZ. Assuming that MZ twins are 100% genetically similar and DZ
twins are 50% genetically similar (compared to MZ), the within-pair correlations on personality measures
tell us the strength of genetic influence.
If we assume twins have equal
environments, we can estimate H as
Whatever the environmental
influence on personality similarity between MZ twins and between DZ twins, the difference between their
personality similarity must be due to
their difference in genetic similarity;
that difference is 50%, so doubling the
difference in personality similarity gives
you an index of how much the genetic
factors predict personality similarity.
For example, if MZ correlate .41 and DZ correlate .24 on neuroticism, (see Table 12.5) then their difference in personality similarity is .17. That difference is, according to the assumptions, explained by
their 50% genetic difference; so doubling the difference gives you an estimate of the total genetic
contribution: H = .34.
Twin studies suggest a heritability of
most personality traits of H = 40%;
adoption studies suggest an H of 20%.:
Discrepancy of H estimates between twin studies (40%) and adoption studies (20%) is partly
due to an overestimation of MZ
similarity in twin studies: MZ twins are
treated (by parents and the
environment) more similarly than are
DZ twins violating the equal
environment assumption discussed
above. Also, pairs of DZ may differ in
gender, which generates quite different
MZ correlations are substantially lower if reared apart than if reared together whereas DZ twins are about equally similar when reared together or apart.
(Table 12.4)