1. Length: 5-6 pages text (including abstract), plus cover page, plus references
2. Double spaced throughout
3. Bring final copy to hand in to Holly/Laura in class; also make 2 extra copies (double-sided is fine) to hand out to interested classmates during the poster session*
* If you put paper under Holly's door by 9 AM the day of the poster
session, she will make the
extra copies for you
Follow APA style, which includes
1. Cover page
2. Running heads on each page
3. Abstract
4. (Author, date) citation style
5. Subheads in APA style
6. References on a separate sheet in APA style. More on this below
7. Put any tables or figures on separate sheets at the end of the
paper (instead of trying to insert
within the text). Be sure to give a title and number (Table 1, Figure 1) and refer to the
Table/Figure by number inside the text. "As Figure 1 illustrates, factor analysis has identified
five main personality traits."
** Examples for APA given at end of handout***
Contents of paper
1. Cover page includes title, name, affiliation, running head
2. Next page is Abstract (quick summary of contents). Make it concise (around 100 words)
3. Introduction: Good way to start is to identify specific topic and why it is important, interesting, relevant. Reader should then learn what kind of paper this is (literature review). Then give an overview of what you learned from your reading. Think of what connects all the information you learned. What you are establishing is the framework into which the information from your readings will be placed. Moses & Chandler, who reviewed 4 books (see your green packet), used this strategy to introduce their paper.
4. Organize the rest of your presentation into sections. This can be by articles (the way Moses & Chandler reading did it) although this is an unusual approach. A subtopic organization (Rothbart reading and Baillargeon reading both used this approach to organize lots of information) is more common, and forces you to integrate more, rather than just giving blow-by-blow summaries. Highlighting different perspectives given by the readings is useful in this section. The main objective in this center part is to convey what you learned through your reading. Be specific rather than vague, but don't overwhelm the reader with detail.
5. Discussion. Unanswered questions or troubling issues either not addressed in your readings or not resolved by the authors can provide a useful focus.
6. References. Double-space these, too.
7. Figure or Table: Put at end of paper. Visuals are useful to convey important concepts or organize a set of ideas and show how they are related. If you found a great visual in your readings you want to reproduce, that's fine too (be sure to give source below what you copied).
Grading (15 points for paper)
5 points for effective summary and presentation of information you gathered through your reading. Should be able to understand your points, and they should be specific. Abstract should give a clear "snapshot" of the paper as a whole.
5 points for quality of analysis (seeing connections, organizing ideas into larger conceptual framework, going beyond summary to show what you have learned from reading and thinking about the topic). Intro and Discussion are particularly important here.
5 points for presentation: Writing & organization, formatting (following APA style), and usefulness of any tables or figures for conveying ideas.
EXAMPLE for APA format: Cover sheet. Note that cover sheet carries a
running head and page number 1 (top of page, flush right); it also
IDENTIFIES what the running head is (flush left, use ALL CAPS for the
text of running head). Title, authors, and affiliations are centered.
Group Identity 1
Running head: GROUP IDENTITY
A Tripartite Model of Group Identity: Theory and Measurement
Kelly Bouas Henry Holly Arrow and Barbara Carini
University of Oklahoma University of Oregon
EXAMPLE for APA format: Abstract. This is page 2 (see running head and page number). Heading is centered. Abstract should be in third person (do not use I or me or we).
Group Identity 2
Group identity is defined as member identification with an interacting group, and is distinguished
conceptually from social identity, cohesion, and common fate. Group identity is proposed to have three
sources: cognitive (social categorization), affective (interpersonal attraction), and behavioral
(interdependence). Inconsistent use of the term and problematic measurement mar existing literature on
group identity. A new group identity scale, comprised of three subscales that match the tripartite model
for the cognitive, affective, and behavioral sources, is presented and its psychometric properties
EXAMPLE for APA format: Second-level headings and citations. If you need a second level of headings besides the first-level (centered like Abstract) then flush left, underline, and capitalize all important words, as illustrated below. For citations, cite the last names of authors and date within parentheses. Use ampersand (&) instead of and, and put a comma between author's name and date. Full information for each citation should appear in the Reference section.
interpersonal roles such as lover or husband (Deaux, Reid, Mizrahi, & Ethier, 1995). The social identity
approach views group membership as a psychological state that leads to a collective representation of
who one is and how one should behave (Hogg & Abrams, 1988).
EXAMPLE for APA format: Reference list. Start this on a new page. Note that References is a first-level heading (centered). Include full reference for each work cited. Alphabetize by last name of first author; if there is more than one work by the same author, put earlier works first. Indent each new reference. Below are examples for the three types of works you might be citing: article (Deaux et al.), book chapter (Hogg, 1987) and book (Hogg, 1992). Note that titles of articles and books are lowercase except for first word, while all main words are capitalized in name of journals. Journal names and book titles are underlined. Note also the convention of putting last name, then initials for first name; dates go in parentheses with period after the parentheses; volume numbers are underlined; chapters in books are alphabetized by the author of the CHAPTER, not the editor(s) of the book. For work appearing in books, Place: Publisher appears at the end of the citation.
Group Identity 23
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 68, 280-291.
Oakes, S. D. Reicher, & M. Wetherell (Eds.), Rediscovering the social group: A self-categorization
theory. Oxford: Blackwell.
social identity.